Well....While I'm waiting, I might as well update you all.
My Weekly Schedule (not including travel time):
Monday - School: 7:45am-2:45pm, ROV Club: 6-8pm
Tuesday - School: 7:45am-2:45pm, Aquarium Class: 6-9pm
Wednesday - School: 7:45am-12:10pm, The Department of Fish and Game (DFG, I'm interning there): 12:30pm-4:45pm
Thursday - School: 7:45pm-12:10pm, DFG: 12:30-4:45pm
Friday - School: 7:45pm-12:10pm, DFG: 12:30-4:45pm
Every other Sunday - Aquarium: 1pm-6pm
On the occassion - impromptu ROV Club meeting
That is essentially what my week is like. Am I doing a lot? Doesn't always look like it, but BOY does it FEEL like I am! I'm tired a lot, but then, I think I'm fighting something off, and then I have all my homework to do too. My English teacher insists on trying to kill us by having us read three books this week, luckily enough, I got ahead in English and it's not so bad. So that's what's been goin' on weekly wise.
Schools been okay, I'm still trying to get over the being gone for 4 days at DC thing. I'm caught up, all except English (never did my _Tempest_ inclass essay), but I feel like I didn't start the quarter well. *shrugs* April is going to be a weird month too...Prom, paying for the Disneyland Trip, and my internship will have to be completed on the 16th. Then May comes and I'll be a month away from graduating...and...ugh...I just need to get through April! Break is in March too! Two weeks of blessed no school! I still have 5 more weeks to go though. I need to start working on my project for my internship also. I present on the 10th of March. The aquarium class has also been okay too. It's kind of boring at times because I've heard or know a lot of the stuff already, but it's still kind of fun. *shrugs* I dunno what else to say, so...I'll end this for now. Latas for now