Whoa, haven't updated in a while!!
Well...having Colin here was loads of fun. Had fun showing him the aquarium, going to the Beach Boardwalk in Santa Cruz, going to the movies, 4th of July, and etc. I miss him now, but what can you expect after seeing him 24/7?

Litterly...since he was here 7 days.
Off of that note, I picked up an application for Borders, going to talk to the owner of Shnarley's pizzeria and winery sometime soon. So I'm actually on my way on obtaining a job.

The owner at Shnarley's actually already offered me a job, but I want to talk to him about pay and yaddy, yaddy. I also wanna see what Borders has to offer too. I know they have a pretty good advancement and such (I talked to someone who use to work there). I just don't know the pay. Also, at borders, the employee discount is nice for me since I LOVE books!

I also picked up, finally, a CA driver's handbook so I can work on obtaining my permit (yes, I know. I'm 18 1/2 and still don't have my permit). So I'm actually getting things DONE during my summer. Those first few weeks of summer were nice when I had no school, but I just felt like crap too. I didn't really complete anything, yaddy, yaddy. Now I'm actually doing things in the day. I feel a bit better.
I also registered, finally, at CSUMB. Well, I'm web registered. I still have to pay my fees and such. No clue how to go about that since I don't have to pay for my classes. I'm taking Calc MW 10-11:50am, my Calc lab F 12-1:50pm, first year seminar TTh 6-7:50pm, and Tech tools win TTh 4-5:50pm. So I have either the afternoon and evening all open, or the morning and afternoon all open, excluding Friday. It's kind of nice. I wanted to have my tech tools and first year seminar in the morning on TTh, but those classes filled up in a week! So, yeah...missed that. So, basically, I have over 24 hours between days on my classes...

Isn't that kind of weird?

I haven't signed up for my language, yet. ASL filled up at CSUMB, so I'm going to take ASL 1B at MPC. I took 1A a year ago this fall. Hopefully, that's good enough. I'd rather not be taking classes in the summer.

I got my AP score too! I passed with a 3 this last year. So that's two 3 in English Jr and Sr year and a 2 in US History.

So I'm excited that I passed the English AP exams!
OH! I finished my hope chest, FINALLY. It's all stained. Least, it's stained as much as I'm going to stain it.

Colin helped me stain the 3rd coat. I think it was 3. Frankly, I lost count how many times I stained the thing. I'm still looking for some cedar to line the walls with. The bottom is lined, but not the sides.
I think that's all my news for now. I'll update some other time.