Thursday, July 29, 2004 first few days at Borders has gone fairly good. I haven't done a LOT of blunders. Twice I forgot to give someone all of their change, I would give the coins back and the larger bills, but forget the ones. It happened TWICE. 4 ones. I had something weird going on with the ones...*shrugs* At least I noticed it, unfortunately right when I closed the cash register...

Orientation today went okay. Filled out papers and got some other knowledge. It felt weird going it all backwards, but it works, I suppose. I'm still not COMPLETELY done with orientation, but I have the bare-minimum for me to be able to work on my own next week. I can always just call "Service manager" if I get into a blunder next week.

I work this Sat from 8am-4pm, just so I know how to open because I open on my own Mon, Tues, and Wed next week.

So my schedule next week:
Mon: 8am-4pm
Tues: 8am-4pm
Wed: 8am-4pm
Fri: 11am-7pm
Sat: 3pm-11:30pm

Good amount of hours. Tom schedules people to, usually, never work more than 7 actual hours. We get an hour lunch/dinner break that, obviously, we don't get paid, which is cool. The 3pm-11:30pm is becoming my "norm" because of the last two days that's what I worked and I don't know many other cashiers to get that rotation also. It should be pretty boring Mon, Tues, Wed since I work hours when a lot of people are still at work and such. The evenings tend to get busy because everyone is off of work and making last runs to Borders or whatever.

I think that's it for now. Hope everyone is doin' well. Hasta

Tuesday, July 27, 2004

So, today and tomorrow I'm going in from 3-11:30pm for a crash course on the cash registers since the manager and the assistant trainer are both leaving this week on vacations and it'd be at least 10 days from Friday before I started work. Thursday I go in from 12-4pm for orientation. It'll be interesting. Besides the fact that at the end of July, which is this week, a cashier is leaving back to go to college, so I applied just in time. I hope I do well and have fun.

Today, which is kind of sad, but oh well, is the Student Guide BBQ in Carmel from 1-6pm. I'm going to have to miss most of it, the awards ceremony and probably the food because I have to be back in Seaside for Borders. *shrugs* Oh well, least I get to see my students one last time and whatnot.

I think that's all on the news front. Write more when something happens.

Monday, July 26, 2004

Well! Good news, again. I filled out and turned in my Borders application a little over a week ago and I had my interview today with them and they called TODAY and offered me the job! I am now employed at Borders. Gettin' $7.25 an hour. Lookin' good for me.

Friday, July 16, 2004

Whelps...the good news is I got my permit today! I missed only 1 on the written section, so that was cool. My license is going to say that I have to have "corrective lenses" to drive though. >.< Unfortunately my eyes can't see the dumb small print that far away, which is weird because you won't have to see that small of lettering while you're driving!! But what can I do? I also was only at the DMV for 1:15 hours, which is pretty good. Only took a half hour to get my picture, get the forms, pay the fee, and take the test. I guess it helps, also, when the 4 people in front of you never showed up and there, at one time, were 3 people taking people. I'm gonna practice some and then go get my license, though... Hope it all goes well!

No news on the job front, but I only sent my application into Borders, one place isn't gonna cut it. I'm going on Monday to the mall to pick up some more applications and such.

My cell phone still works, oddly enough. *shrugs* I don't know what's going on there. I am going to try and set up my cell phone at AT&T sometime today, tomorrow, or on Monday. So we'll see how that goes also.

I also figured out how to get the waiver from CSUMB on two of my classes. I have to wait for that to process and then I can pay my fees and such at CSUMB. I have to wait till the school opens for me to get my $750 from the high school too. The $750 from CSUMB is most likely going to the rest of my classes and fees and such.

I believe that is it for now. Hasta!

Tuesday, July 13, 2004

Oh right...I'm going to go with AT&T wireless too, for my cell phone. I'm going to port my # so it'll be the same, but I won't have a phone for about a week. Going to order my phone on the internet from AT&T. It takes anywhere from 3-5 days to port a #, so that'll be interesting!
Well...I'm going to stand in line and wait to get an appointment on Thursday at the DMV. All the appointments are full till the 23rd and that day the only time available is 8:30am. So...I get to wait in line!

I'm turning in my Borders app either tomorrow or Thursday also.

Not much else has gone on since I last updated. I DID find out that I can type at least 119 wpm! I timed myself. Grabbed a book and started typing. I used my stop watch to make sure I didn't go over a minute. I only made two mistakes too. I forgot to cap a word in a quote and put a comma instead of period because I couldn't figure it out fast enough. I made another mistake, but I auto-corrected it, which, in sense, slowed me down because I lost my spot in the book, but it's still not bad! My arms do hurt a bit afterwards, but at least I know my capabilities. I guess that's all for now!

Friday, July 9, 2004

Oh, right, I forgot about my cell phone! My cell phone contract is up on the 15th. 6 more days of my cell phone! I'm planning on getting a new contract (that's one reason why I'm getting a job. So I can support my cell phone). Do you know how MANY cell phone companies there are?! Nextel, Cingular, T-Mobile, Verizon, Qwest, AT&T, and Sprint! I've checked them ALL on plans. The only ones that sound good, so far, is Sprint and AT&T. So...that's all the news, officially!

NOOOOOO!!!!! It's not!!! I'm an AUNT again on June 30th to a boy! Nathan Christian! So Kaitlyn has a baby brother now. He was born to my middle brother, Matt. He's the one in Papua New Guinea, well, the baby was born in Australia, but they're really going to be in Papua New Guinea.

That's NOW all the news.
Whoa, haven't updated in a while!!

Well...having Colin here was loads of fun. Had fun showing him the aquarium, going to the Beach Boardwalk in Santa Cruz, going to the movies, 4th of July, and etc. I miss him now, but what can you expect after seeing him 24/7? Litterly...since he was here 7 days.

Off of that note, I picked up an application for Borders, going to talk to the owner of Shnarley's pizzeria and winery sometime soon. So I'm actually on my way on obtaining a job. The owner at Shnarley's actually already offered me a job, but I want to talk to him about pay and yaddy, yaddy. I also wanna see what Borders has to offer too. I know they have a pretty good advancement and such (I talked to someone who use to work there). I just don't know the pay. Also, at borders, the employee discount is nice for me since I LOVE books! I also picked up, finally, a CA driver's handbook so I can work on obtaining my permit (yes, I know. I'm 18 1/2 and still don't have my permit). So I'm actually getting things DONE during my summer. Those first few weeks of summer were nice when I had no school, but I just felt like crap too. I didn't really complete anything, yaddy, yaddy. Now I'm actually doing things in the day. I feel a bit better.

I also registered, finally, at CSUMB. Well, I'm web registered. I still have to pay my fees and such. No clue how to go about that since I don't have to pay for my classes. I'm taking Calc MW 10-11:50am, my Calc lab F 12-1:50pm, first year seminar TTh 6-7:50pm, and Tech tools win TTh 4-5:50pm. So I have either the afternoon and evening all open, or the morning and afternoon all open, excluding Friday. It's kind of nice. I wanted to have my tech tools and first year seminar in the morning on TTh, but those classes filled up in a week! So, yeah...missed that. So, basically, I have over 24 hours between days on my classes... Isn't that kind of weird? I haven't signed up for my language, yet. ASL filled up at CSUMB, so I'm going to take ASL 1B at MPC. I took 1A a year ago this fall. Hopefully, that's good enough. I'd rather not be taking classes in the summer.

I got my AP score too! I passed with a 3 this last year. So that's two 3 in English Jr and Sr year and a 2 in US History. So I'm excited that I passed the English AP exams!

OH! I finished my hope chest, FINALLY. It's all stained. Least, it's stained as much as I'm going to stain it. Colin helped me stain the 3rd coat. I think it was 3. Frankly, I lost count how many times I stained the thing. I'm still looking for some cedar to line the walls with. The bottom is lined, but not the sides.

I think that's all my news for now. I'll update some other time.