Well...I'm surviving my first week of college. Calculus is all review, atm, and I only have homework due once a week! How cool is that?!

I'm really excited about that. My professor originally was from UC Santa Barbara and taught there for 6 years. He's, so far, has been a really good teacher and pretty fun. I dropped Tech Tools, the class, and I'm taking the assessment, which is basically an independent study sort of thing. It's going to prove "difficult" in the manor that I'm going to have to self-teach myself somethings, and pick my own "topics" for my portfolio, but it shouldn't prove TOO hard. I have 4 weeks to complete 4 assignments. The first is word processing on Microsoft Word. I have different requirements I have to fulfill in the paper that has to be at least 1500 words. I'm thinking of revising one of my school papers to fit its needs. The 2nd assignment is a spreedsheet. I have to use a MINIMUM of 100 cells! What in the world, data wise, am I going to use that utilizes at least 100 cells?! I have to write a little thing on it explaining what the data tells me. *rolls eyes* I also have to make my on formulas, which I haven't done ever before. First Year Seminar isn't bad either.

It's basically a get-to-know-the-campus-and-students class. That's where I'm really getting to know some other students and such. Overall...I say it's been a good week! I have my calculus lab tomorrow.
Working and doing school has been a little rough on me. I'm closing 3/4 times when I work, so that wears me down the next day, but luckily that's night class! Work is still going good, but the only thing is...I'm ill!

I've got this cold/allergy thing. *shrugs* It hasn't really gotten too bad. I'm more tired and a bit more weak, but I'm still surviving, mostly.
Lastly, I ordered my computer tonight!! 15" apple powerbook w/ DVD burner. I also did their cram & jam deal so I also got a 20gig iPod. This computer is costing me my entire scholarship money, which goes to a good cause, I suppose.

HOPEFULLY, my $1500 from CSUMB is renewable each year, which I think it is. So that'll help a great deal during my stay at CSUMB. But yeah, it's going to take me till next semester (January '05) to "pay-off" my computer. I've got the money, NOW, so I'm going to take the money out of my savings and pay myself back as I get my scholarship money from various places, which is good. I just have problems with the fact I'm spending aprox. $2200 on ONE thing.

Even if it is about as top of the line you can get.
Well, that's about it for now!

Hope everyone is doin' well.