Sunday, May 28, 2006
So, I'm down in So. Cal because yesterday a cousin of mine got married. Well, I was in a sleeveless dress and the sun was out (definitely not as bad today, but good enough). Any ways, I must have sat in the sun for about 3 hours. I got sunburned really badly, but only on my right shoulder! My left shoulder was barely burned and my face is fine, but my right shoulder got a burning! I can't even remember the last time I got sunburned it's been so long. We'll see if this thing peels or not. I've only peeled once my whole life. Any ways, off to dinner!
Saturday, May 20, 2006
Another quiz thing
Your Animal Personality |
Your Power Animal: Eagle Animal You Were in a Past Life: Whale You are active, a challenger, and optimistic. Hard-working, you are always working towards a set goal. |
Random quiz thing
You are Ocean Blue |
You're both warm and practical. You're very driven, but you're also very well rounded. You tend to see both sides to every issue, and people consider you a natural diplomat. |
Friday, May 19, 2006
I've been meaning to update this thing about once every other day for a while now. I just didn't seem to find the time this last week. I've been killing myself trying to complete everything.
Any ways, the point, I'm FINISHED! No more school till next fall! Well, I do have a summer class, but it is only one day a week on Sat morning. That's not SO bad.
Any ways, I'll update another time.
Things to talk about:
-Aquarium Gala
-Finals experience
-Sign language projects (I never have to do another sign language project and thank goodness, they tried to kill me!)
-Goals for summer
-Whatever else that strikes me :P
Any ways, the point, I'm FINISHED! No more school till next fall! Well, I do have a summer class, but it is only one day a week on Sat morning. That's not SO bad.
Any ways, I'll update another time.
Things to talk about:
-Aquarium Gala
-Finals experience
-Sign language projects (I never have to do another sign language project and thank goodness, they tried to kill me!)
-Goals for summer
-Whatever else that strikes me :P
Saturday, May 13, 2006
Monday, May 8, 2006
I'm going to die...
Days of school left: 11 (though I don't have classes next Wed and Thurs)
I am so gosh darn tired. I stayed up till 3:30am to finish writing my ASL thingy. I got up at 11am (after falling asleep after 4am and hitting snooze for about 1.5 hours), went to my Stat class, presented my stat project with my partner, went to the language lab, talked to Mo, went home, ate, filmed my ASL from about 4pm to 5:30pm, edited/checked/burned a CD of my project from 5:30-7:15pm. Went to class at 8pm and did I PRESENT tonight? Nope! Mo "randomly" picked people and I wasn't one of them. So, I get to present on Wednesday. It's a blessing and it's a pain. Blessing because I actually get to look at my presentation and pain because I just wanted it DONE. The good thing, though, I don't have to worry about presenting "live." I filmed everything.
I'm also stressing about my government reading, no clue why. I have a bio paper due on Friday too, but it's not too long, just lots of work. Basically, after tomorrow, I'm finished with formal classes. All I have is one paper (bio lab paper) and my ASL presentation the rest of the week after tomorrow. My classes on Wednesday and Thursday are all "studying" for finals on Monday and Tuesday. My last major thing to do (that I haven't done, yet) is my ASL final. It's my In Deaf Culture iMovie. I have my answers in English, I just need to translate them (that takes time) and film it.
On top of that, I have the aquarium this Sunday and the Aquarium Gala on Friday night. I've got other stuff/details to write, but I'm about to pass out.
I'll write more maybe tomorrow.
I am so gosh darn tired. I stayed up till 3:30am to finish writing my ASL thingy. I got up at 11am (after falling asleep after 4am and hitting snooze for about 1.5 hours), went to my Stat class, presented my stat project with my partner, went to the language lab, talked to Mo, went home, ate, filmed my ASL from about 4pm to 5:30pm, edited/checked/burned a CD of my project from 5:30-7:15pm. Went to class at 8pm and did I PRESENT tonight? Nope! Mo "randomly" picked people and I wasn't one of them. So, I get to present on Wednesday. It's a blessing and it's a pain. Blessing because I actually get to look at my presentation and pain because I just wanted it DONE. The good thing, though, I don't have to worry about presenting "live." I filmed everything.
I'm also stressing about my government reading, no clue why. I have a bio paper due on Friday too, but it's not too long, just lots of work. Basically, after tomorrow, I'm finished with formal classes. All I have is one paper (bio lab paper) and my ASL presentation the rest of the week after tomorrow. My classes on Wednesday and Thursday are all "studying" for finals on Monday and Tuesday. My last major thing to do (that I haven't done, yet) is my ASL final. It's my In Deaf Culture iMovie. I have my answers in English, I just need to translate them (that takes time) and film it.
On top of that, I have the aquarium this Sunday and the Aquarium Gala on Friday night. I've got other stuff/details to write, but I'm about to pass out.
Sunday, May 7, 2006
Why do I procrasinate so much?! I don't think I've ever procrastinated so much in my life...I've written about half of my ASL project that's due in less than 24 hours and I still need to FILM the thing...
I also still need to read my government and she says it's REALLY important and it's long, that's due Tuesday. I'm not gonna get all my homework done between now and Tuesday... >.<
I think I'm procrastinating in ASL so much because it's my LAST semester and it's a pass/fail grade.
I also still need to read my government and she says it's REALLY important and it's long, that's due Tuesday. I'm not gonna get all my homework done between now and Tuesday... >.<
I think I'm procrastinating in ASL so much because it's my LAST semester and it's a pass/fail grade.
Monday, May 1, 2006
Volunteer hours
Oh, almost forgot.
I found out yesterday that I have a little more than 914 volunteer hours at the aquarium.
In about 17 more shifts or 34 more weeks I'll have 1,000 hours! 1,000 hours is the next time I get a volunteer pin/award.
I found out yesterday that I have a little more than 914 volunteer hours at the aquarium.
Can I survive?
Yeah, so...
I finally registered for my MPC class. They had my birthday entered wrong. *rolls eyes* After I called them they got it all straightened out and I could register for the class then. So, it's official, I am taking geology and hydrology at MPC during the summer.
I also went to the aquarium today to get my volunteer vest that I can wear on duty. It's pretty nice. Kind of an olive greenish color with a nice embroidery color (redish color for the logo and tanish color for the wording). I also got a black mock turtle neck that has written also in black "Monterey Bay Aquarium Volunteer." The black shirt looks nice with the vest. I got the shirt mainly because all my uniform colors are short sleeved navy blue shirts. I just couldn't see navy blue, short-sleeves looking nice with the olive green. I'm looking forward to wearing it in 2 weeks! That and during the summer. The new blazers we're getting (I'm getting mine in June because the manufacture ran out of my size...) look nice. I saw them on some other volunteers. We look sharp! Any ways, I got off topic, the new blazers we have to take off at every water station. The vest will be nice because I don't have to take it off each time. I also OWN the vest (I spent money on it!) so I can keep it afterwards or use it at other places. It's an "official" explorer type vest. Pretty nice quality and has TONS of pockets. There's got to be easily 10 pockets. I'm not kidding. The vest in the summer will also be nice because it'll get hot in the aquarium with all those bodies in it.
Tomorrow I'm hoping I'll be able to register for my CSUMB classes. *fingers crossed* None of my classes are full, yet. Some I'm getting kind of worried about, but they still have at least 10 spots open.
I did my LAST sign language demo. I am SO happy! I just have to work on my final project now. LoL. A final project I STILL have no clue what to do on. *rolls eyes* It's due a week from today (minus a few hours). I also have to finish my In Deaf Culture video/report, but I have my answers roughly written out in English. I just need to translate them and video it. I also signed up for my exit dialogue. 10 minute session with my professor. *shudders* Scary! Mine is at 3pm on May 15th. I wanted to do it later, but with my bio test on Tuesday morning, I don't want to stress about my Bio AND ASL most of the evening.
So...I have my Stat final from 12-2pm on Monday than my ASL exit dialogue at 3pm. Tuesday is my bio final at 8am (I'll go in a half hour early) and my ESSP 300 final at 2pm.
I'll be done with everything by 11:59 pm on May 17th!
I can survive, I can survive, I can survive...!
Oh, last thing, I'll find out if I won a scholarship from Borders on May 31st (or somewhere around there). I'm hoping for the $5,000 scholarship. $1,500 isn't bad, but $5,000 would be really nice. There's only 5 of those, though, and the whole country of Borders employees could apply for one. >.<
Well...that's all for now!
I finally registered for my MPC class. They had my birthday entered wrong. *rolls eyes* After I called them they got it all straightened out and I could register for the class then. So, it's official, I am taking geology and hydrology at MPC during the summer.
I also went to the aquarium today to get my volunteer vest that I can wear on duty. It's pretty nice. Kind of an olive greenish color with a nice embroidery color (redish color for the logo and tanish color for the wording). I also got a black mock turtle neck that has written also in black "Monterey Bay Aquarium Volunteer." The black shirt looks nice with the vest. I got the shirt mainly because all my uniform colors are short sleeved navy blue shirts. I just couldn't see navy blue, short-sleeves looking nice with the olive green. I'm looking forward to wearing it in 2 weeks! That and during the summer. The new blazers we're getting (I'm getting mine in June because the manufacture ran out of my size...) look nice. I saw them on some other volunteers. We look sharp! Any ways, I got off topic, the new blazers we have to take off at every water station. The vest will be nice because I don't have to take it off each time. I also OWN the vest (I spent money on it!) so I can keep it afterwards or use it at other places. It's an "official" explorer type vest. Pretty nice quality and has TONS of pockets. There's got to be easily 10 pockets. I'm not kidding. The vest in the summer will also be nice because it'll get hot in the aquarium with all those bodies in it.
Tomorrow I'm hoping I'll be able to register for my CSUMB classes. *fingers crossed* None of my classes are full, yet. Some I'm getting kind of worried about, but they still have at least 10 spots open.
I did my LAST sign language demo. I am SO happy! I just have to work on my final project now. LoL. A final project I STILL have no clue what to do on. *rolls eyes* It's due a week from today (minus a few hours). I also have to finish my In Deaf Culture video/report, but I have my answers roughly written out in English. I just need to translate them and video it. I also signed up for my exit dialogue. 10 minute session with my professor. *shudders* Scary! Mine is at 3pm on May 15th. I wanted to do it later, but with my bio test on Tuesday morning, I don't want to stress about my Bio AND ASL most of the evening.
So...I have my Stat final from 12-2pm on Monday than my ASL exit dialogue at 3pm. Tuesday is my bio final at 8am (I'll go in a half hour early) and my ESSP 300 final at 2pm.
I'll be done with everything by 11:59 pm on May 17th!
I can survive, I can survive, I can survive...!
Oh, last thing, I'll find out if I won a scholarship from Borders on May 31st (or somewhere around there). I'm hoping for the $5,000 scholarship. $1,500 isn't bad, but $5,000 would be really nice. There's only 5 of those, though, and the whole country of Borders employees could apply for one. >.<
Well...that's all for now!
Happy May
Days till school is out: 17
I'm procrastinating again...I just felt like saying...
I'll write a better post later. I had some thing to say and then I forgot what it was... Hrm...
I'm procrastinating again...I just felt like saying...
I'll write a better post later. I had some thing to say and then I forgot what it was... Hrm...
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