Today was the first day of Fall '06!
Monday - Bio II 8:30-9:50am; ESSP 300 10am-11:50pm
Tuesday - GIS 2-4:50pm
Wednesday - Bio II 8:30-9:50am; ESSP 300 10am-11:50pm
Thursday - GIS 2-4:50pm
Friday - Bio II L 9-11:50am
Not listed: CST (on-line)
I'm working on Wednesdays and Fridays and volunteering every other Sunday at the aquarium.
Today was pretty good. I actually had to LEARN something in Bio II! I couldn't believe it! It was pretty good, though. ESSP 300, the syllabus was 48 pages long! It's kind of like an introductory class to the upper division classes, but also a writing/critical thinking class. We will end up writing a 15-20 page case study paper by the end of the semester, along with doing job interviews and meeting potential advisors. Basically, don't fall behind and I'll be good. She does everything in steps.
I'm also taking a CST class called Media Tools on-line. It's essentially learning Flash, Dreamweaver, and PhotoShop. At the end, I believe, I will have to combine the use of all those programs into one big final project. I'm taking it as an on-line class because the lab and lecture are at the same time of my Bio class. I almost didn't get 16 units in this semester because all the classes I wanted (I checked about 5 of them) bumped into my Bio or ESSP 300 class and I HAD to have those this semester. Kind of bummed I can't go to the lectures/labs for CST, but I think I have enough resources and knowledge to do okay on my own. It's just a good thing I like learning new things like this!
My GIS class is tomorrow. Everyone I've talked to said it's not really hard, it's just time consuming and NOT to get behind in the class, which seems to be the theme in ALL my classes.
We'll see how I survive the week since my boss talked me into adding a shift and a half for this week on top of my other two shifts. So my week -- Working 27 hours (24 paid), taking 16 units, helping someone out a half hour a day, volunteering for 5 hours on Sunday, and doing my podcasting stuff. Yay for my busy schedule! Hopefully it won't be like this all semester long! :P
Now to my TV shows. I seem to be collecting TV shows I'm really getting into. I don't watch TV much, but this last half year I've found new TV shows I like!
I've always been interested in CSI: Crime Scene Investigation (that's the Vegas one -- don't like NY and Miami as much), but I haven't really been able to watch it until last semester, so I'm really into that show. Of course American Idol is up there, but because of American Idol's last season I'm now into House MD. The show came on RIGHT after American Idol on Tuesday nights and I would watch it while I wait for the family to come home to watch American Idol. I ended up getting hooked! I like the type of shows that I can miss a whole season (or start in the middle) and not feel totally behind.
Well, my new show is Numb3rs. My co-worker told me that I'd like Numb3rs if I liked CSI. It's basically like CSI, but instead of using forensics or CSI people, it's about two brothers -- one is a FBI the other a mathematician. The brothers basically work together to help solve cases. It's not a whole lot of math, but it's still pretty cool. I also find it totally improbable in the real world, but I still like it! I like the math being used and it's a show I can skip a day of and not feel behind in for another one. I've been buying the episodes off of iTunes for $1.99 because it has only finished its 2nd season and it's not reairing like CSI does.
My other show I like (it's my shameful show) is Wildfire, which is on ABC Family. It's centered around horse racing, so it's really no wonder why I like it. It's a real drama, but I enjoy watching it and seeing the horses and such.
With that, I must be off to take a nap.
Monday, August 28, 2006
Tuesday, August 22, 2006
Please Pray for this Family
A Harry-Potter-friend-of-mine's girlfriend's cousin (the man) was murdered along with his wife today in Alabama. They have 3 children that are left behind with one sexually assulted by the man who is (was) a registered sex offender. The sex offender killed himself.
My HP friend has dated his girlfriend for over 3 years and knows the parents and 3 kids.
Please pray for the 3 kids and all the family and friends.
Here is an article on-line with a few more details.
My HP friend has dated his girlfriend for over 3 years and knows the parents and 3 kids.
Please pray for the 3 kids and all the family and friends.
Here is an article on-line with a few more details.
Monday, August 21, 2006
Responsible Leader, yet a Bubbly Helper
They're both like me, but one isn't ONLY me. :P
Here's the link if you want to try the quiz.
The Responsible Leader: Your presence demands respect, and people give it. Whenever you are put in a group project, you take charge, and no one complains because they know that you'd make a good leader. You're fair, responsible, and most importantly, not bossy. You lead with care. You're the perfect candidate for the Head Girl position.
|The Lions|
Harry admires your confidence and wants to become your close friend.
Ron wonders how your life could be so organized and balanced.
Hermione admires the way you deal with people and consistently asks you to help her with S.P.E.W.
Fred and George try to pull pranks without you knowing, but you always manage to catch them. You're the best contender who can almost, but not quite, keep them in line.
Ginny is amused by the fact that Fred and George can never get past your radar. You two are becoming good friends.
Neville sometimes looks to you for help in pretty much everything.
Oliver thought you didn't give Quidditch enough credit.
Parvati admires the way you take charge, and people just follow naturally.
Lavender wonders how you are able to do it.
Seamus gets along with you really well. He plans on asking you out.
Dean doesn't really care about you.
|The Eagles|
Cho doesn't really know you that well. You two have worked in committees a few times, but all she knows is that you're a reliable person.
Padma never questions your leadership. She likes it when you're the leader of the committee.
Roger doesn't know you.
|The Badgers|
Cedric was a really good friend.
Hannah idolizes you.
Justin admires your confidence and thinks you two just click. He is planning to ask you out and is sure that you'll say yes.
|The Serpents|
Draco hates you for catching him once, when he tried to hex Harry Potter from behind. He thinks you're a real pain.
Pansy hates you because Draco does.
Crabbe and Goyle: No point asking what they think.
Blaise also thinks you're a real pain. He says you're in his face all the time.
|The Ghosts|
Nearly Headless Nick: 'Hmm...never talked to her.'
Fat Friar: 'Not now, my dear. I'm getting ready for my 305th deathday party!'
Grey Lady: 'Oh, we talked just once. That girl always has something to do.'
Bloody Baron: 'Have you seen Peeves? Tell him I heard what he did to the first year Slytherins.'
M. Myrtle: 'Oh, she's nice. She's doesn't throw things at me.'
Peeves: 'Always foils my plans! I need to get rid of that wand of hers!'
|The Professors|
Dumbledore always came to you whenever he needed something important done. He always thought that you would make a great Minister of Magic. He would have wanted you to be part of the Order, where you would have eventually earned a leadership position.
McGonagall: 'I'm impressed by the way she always has her head on right. Very organized and level-headed.'
Flitwick: 'Yes, she's quite good.'
Sprout: 'I get the feeling that she doesn't like Herbology much. Oh well, at least she doesn't complain about it.'
Snape: 'Excels in Potions. One of the best I've taught.'
Slughorn: 'Invited her to my club. Never once came.'
Hagrid: 'A good student, but I don't really know her.'
Binns: 'Shows interest in my class. Likes learning about the greatest witches and wizards of all time.'
Trelawney: 'Beware, for the Dark Lord knows that she is a threat. He knows that she can create a team that will fight against him. He will try to get her to join his side.'
The Bubbly Helper: If someone needs a hand, you're there. You are known for being incredibly helpful, which means that you're known for being incredibly nice. You don't expect anything in return. Your helpful attitude makes you a compassionate and friendly person, which makes it hard for people not to like you. Several come to you for advice because you give very useful ones. You're also pretty popular.
|The Lions|
Harry knows that he can always count on you whenever he needs help with something.
Ron loves the fact that you're really easy to get along with. It is possible that he is developing some feelings for you.
Hermione can't deny that you're very nice, but doesn't like the fact that you get along with Ron a little too well for her liking.
Fred and George adore you and think of you as a sister.
Ginny is one of your closest friends.
Neville has a crush on you, but has never dropped any hints.
Oliver wasn't able to remember your name. He just knew you as that girl who helped him carry the brooms the night before the game against Hufflepuff.
Parvati thinks you're adorable. At the beginning, she tried to use you since you came off as a doormat, but you didn't let her. She ended up respecting you after that.
Lavender thinks you're too nice that it's so annoying.
Seamus thinks you're a good friend.
Dean thinks you're really nice and wishes to get to know you more.
|The Eagles|
Cho is a very close friend. You were there for her when Cedric died. She definitely has your back.
Padma doesn't know you, but has seen you around. She wonders who you are.
Roger doesn't know you.
|The Badgers|
Cedric thought you were one of a kind. There was something special about you that he couldn't put his finger on.
Hannah wishes to become your close friend.
Justin is simply an acquaintance.
|The Serpents|
Draco strongly dislikes you even though you try to be nice to him.
Pansy tries not to like you, but finds it hard, especially when you helped her to the hospital wing after a little accident she had.
Crabbe and Goyle: No point asking what they think.
Blaise has feelings for you, but refuses to acknowledge them.
|The Ghosts|
Nearly Headless Nick: 'Oh, yes! I adore that girl! She helped me get ready for my deathday party.'
Fat Friar: 'A very, very nice girl.'
Grey Lady: 'I do not know this girl.'
Bloody Baron: 'Who?'
M. Myrtle: 'I just LOVE her! She's so nice to me and she visits me whenever she can!'
Peeves: 'Her reactions to my pranks are so boring. She doesn't get mad easily.'
|The Professors|
Dumbledore had a soft spot for you. He admired your ability to be kind and helpful to everyone.
McGonagall: 'One of my favourite students, but don't tell anyone that. She's very compassionate.'
Flitwick: 'Delightful girl. Very delightful. I hope she doesn't stop taking Charms.'
Sprout: 'Never have I met a girl kinder than her. I think every teacher in this school has a soft spot for her.'
Snape: 'Good student. Too bad she's not in my House.'
Slughorn: 'A charming girl, even though she does not take after her mother. Her mother-now she was one special witch.'
Hagrid: 'One of my favourite students! I always look forward to having her in my class!'
Binns: 'A pleasure to teach. She shows particular interest in learning about the history of the Lufkin-Walden bloodline. Probably because of her mother.'
Trelawney: 'He-Who-Must-Be-Named is starting to be aware of her. If she knows what's good for her, she'll stop hanging around with Harry Potter and his friends.'
Here's the link if you want to try the quiz.
The Responsible Leader: Your presence demands respect, and people give it. Whenever you are put in a group project, you take charge, and no one complains because they know that you'd make a good leader. You're fair, responsible, and most importantly, not bossy. You lead with care. You're the perfect candidate for the Head Girl position.
|The Lions|
Harry admires your confidence and wants to become your close friend.
Ron wonders how your life could be so organized and balanced.
Hermione admires the way you deal with people and consistently asks you to help her with S.P.E.W.
Fred and George try to pull pranks without you knowing, but you always manage to catch them. You're the best contender who can almost, but not quite, keep them in line.
Ginny is amused by the fact that Fred and George can never get past your radar. You two are becoming good friends.
Neville sometimes looks to you for help in pretty much everything.
Oliver thought you didn't give Quidditch enough credit.
Parvati admires the way you take charge, and people just follow naturally.
Lavender wonders how you are able to do it.
Seamus gets along with you really well. He plans on asking you out.
Dean doesn't really care about you.
|The Eagles|
Cho doesn't really know you that well. You two have worked in committees a few times, but all she knows is that you're a reliable person.
Padma never questions your leadership. She likes it when you're the leader of the committee.
Roger doesn't know you.
|The Badgers|
Cedric was a really good friend.
Hannah idolizes you.
Justin admires your confidence and thinks you two just click. He is planning to ask you out and is sure that you'll say yes.
|The Serpents|
Draco hates you for catching him once, when he tried to hex Harry Potter from behind. He thinks you're a real pain.
Pansy hates you because Draco does.
Crabbe and Goyle: No point asking what they think.
Blaise also thinks you're a real pain. He says you're in his face all the time.
|The Ghosts|
Nearly Headless Nick: 'Hmm...never talked to her.'
Fat Friar: 'Not now, my dear. I'm getting ready for my 305th deathday party!'
Grey Lady: 'Oh, we talked just once. That girl always has something to do.'
Bloody Baron: 'Have you seen Peeves? Tell him I heard what he did to the first year Slytherins.'
M. Myrtle: 'Oh, she's nice. She's doesn't throw things at me.'
Peeves: 'Always foils my plans! I need to get rid of that wand of hers!'
|The Professors|
Dumbledore always came to you whenever he needed something important done. He always thought that you would make a great Minister of Magic. He would have wanted you to be part of the Order, where you would have eventually earned a leadership position.
McGonagall: 'I'm impressed by the way she always has her head on right. Very organized and level-headed.'
Flitwick: 'Yes, she's quite good.'
Sprout: 'I get the feeling that she doesn't like Herbology much. Oh well, at least she doesn't complain about it.'
Snape: 'Excels in Potions. One of the best I've taught.'
Slughorn: 'Invited her to my club. Never once came.'
Hagrid: 'A good student, but I don't really know her.'
Binns: 'Shows interest in my class. Likes learning about the greatest witches and wizards of all time.'
Trelawney: 'Beware, for the Dark Lord knows that she is a threat. He knows that she can create a team that will fight against him. He will try to get her to join his side.'
The Bubbly Helper: If someone needs a hand, you're there. You are known for being incredibly helpful, which means that you're known for being incredibly nice. You don't expect anything in return. Your helpful attitude makes you a compassionate and friendly person, which makes it hard for people not to like you. Several come to you for advice because you give very useful ones. You're also pretty popular.
|The Lions|
Harry knows that he can always count on you whenever he needs help with something.
Ron loves the fact that you're really easy to get along with. It is possible that he is developing some feelings for you.
Hermione can't deny that you're very nice, but doesn't like the fact that you get along with Ron a little too well for her liking.
Fred and George adore you and think of you as a sister.
Ginny is one of your closest friends.
Neville has a crush on you, but has never dropped any hints.
Oliver wasn't able to remember your name. He just knew you as that girl who helped him carry the brooms the night before the game against Hufflepuff.
Parvati thinks you're adorable. At the beginning, she tried to use you since you came off as a doormat, but you didn't let her. She ended up respecting you after that.
Lavender thinks you're too nice that it's so annoying.
Seamus thinks you're a good friend.
Dean thinks you're really nice and wishes to get to know you more.
|The Eagles|
Cho is a very close friend. You were there for her when Cedric died. She definitely has your back.
Padma doesn't know you, but has seen you around. She wonders who you are.
Roger doesn't know you.
|The Badgers|
Cedric thought you were one of a kind. There was something special about you that he couldn't put his finger on.
Hannah wishes to become your close friend.
Justin is simply an acquaintance.
|The Serpents|
Draco strongly dislikes you even though you try to be nice to him.
Pansy tries not to like you, but finds it hard, especially when you helped her to the hospital wing after a little accident she had.
Crabbe and Goyle: No point asking what they think.
Blaise has feelings for you, but refuses to acknowledge them.
|The Ghosts|
Nearly Headless Nick: 'Oh, yes! I adore that girl! She helped me get ready for my deathday party.'
Fat Friar: 'A very, very nice girl.'
Grey Lady: 'I do not know this girl.'
Bloody Baron: 'Who?'
M. Myrtle: 'I just LOVE her! She's so nice to me and she visits me whenever she can!'
Peeves: 'Her reactions to my pranks are so boring. She doesn't get mad easily.'
|The Professors|
Dumbledore had a soft spot for you. He admired your ability to be kind and helpful to everyone.
McGonagall: 'One of my favourite students, but don't tell anyone that. She's very compassionate.'
Flitwick: 'Delightful girl. Very delightful. I hope she doesn't stop taking Charms.'
Sprout: 'Never have I met a girl kinder than her. I think every teacher in this school has a soft spot for her.'
Snape: 'Good student. Too bad she's not in my House.'
Slughorn: 'A charming girl, even though she does not take after her mother. Her mother-now she was one special witch.'
Hagrid: 'One of my favourite students! I always look forward to having her in my class!'
Binns: 'A pleasure to teach. She shows particular interest in learning about the history of the Lufkin-Walden bloodline. Probably because of her mother.'
Trelawney: 'He-Who-Must-Be-Named is starting to be aware of her. If she knows what's good for her, she'll stop hanging around with Harry Potter and his friends.'
Geology Grade
I didn't mention this! I can't believe it!
I checked my Geology grade a while ago and found out I got a 95% on the final (some miracle or was the highest grade in the class and I took a LONG time to complete it). I got a 97% in the class (highest grade), but it should have been higher. :P I was only about 15 points off from a perfect grade, but she didn't include my 10 extra credit points I had into my final grade! So I REALLY should have close to a 100%! Oh well, such is life. As is, the community college I took the class doesn't do +'s or -'s so it's not like it would have made a difference in my GPA or on my transcript.
Secondly, David (Cafe David). His family made his memorial service family only. No friends or co-workers were allowed to attend. Apparently, his step-father didn't really like him. *shrugs* The cafe, sometime, wants to do their own little thing for him. We'll see if it happens or not.
I checked my Geology grade a while ago and found out I got a 95% on the final (some miracle or was the highest grade in the class and I took a LONG time to complete it). I got a 97% in the class (highest grade), but it should have been higher. :P I was only about 15 points off from a perfect grade, but she didn't include my 10 extra credit points I had into my final grade! So I REALLY should have close to a 100%! Oh well, such is life. As is, the community college I took the class doesn't do +'s or -'s so it's not like it would have made a difference in my GPA or on my transcript.
Secondly, David (Cafe David). His family made his memorial service family only. No friends or co-workers were allowed to attend. Apparently, his step-father didn't really like him. *shrugs* The cafe, sometime, wants to do their own little thing for him. We'll see if it happens or not.
I start school a little less than a week from today! :( My first class is at 8:30am on Monday. Though, I'm done with classes by noon for Mondays and Tuesday, which is a nice feeling.
I didn't get as much done as I wanted to this summer. This summer went by so fast! I can't believe it! I didn't get ANY Dreamweaver or Flash practice in (I just spelled practice "practise" -- English way). I'm hoping to cram stuff into my brain this week, but I don't think it's going to happen. My brain is fried and I'm fighting some sickness.
Work last week as stressful because our new DM (District Manager) was making her first formal visit to the store. Everyone was on pins and needles and trying to get the store in shape. As the "Bargain Queen" I'm responsible for how the bargains look and, with the hour cutting, getting them out onto the floor. I spent 7 hours on Friday and 7 hours with another person getting bargains out. We got out ALMOST 3 palettes out. I was SO proud of us! there's a little more than 1 palette left and it's all "overstock." I've gone through it all.
I was hoping to have a semi-calm week, but it's not lookin' too good. I have a dentist appointment tomorrow, then I'm helping a lady who broke her leg in to places for about a half hour each day, and then I have a podcast recording to re-record our news for Ep3 -- that is now over a MONTH old. Would have been out a week or two ago, but my editor's computer got fried because of a storm and a lovely power surge. He had to rebuild his computer, but he saved pretty much everything. Wednesday I work from 10am-6pm, but I have an "Employee of the Month" luncheon with my boss and a couple of others during my shift. Then Thurs and Fri I work 7pm-11:30pm, but I have house stuff to do along with everything else. In a lot of ways, I feel like I'm doing two jobs because of the lady I'm helping. She's nice and I enjoy going over to help her. It's just hard dragging myself over there, sometimes. :)
With that, that's all the news I really have.
I didn't get as much done as I wanted to this summer. This summer went by so fast! I can't believe it! I didn't get ANY Dreamweaver or Flash practice in (I just spelled practice "practise" -- English way). I'm hoping to cram stuff into my brain this week, but I don't think it's going to happen. My brain is fried and I'm fighting some sickness.
Work last week as stressful because our new DM (District Manager) was making her first formal visit to the store. Everyone was on pins and needles and trying to get the store in shape. As the "Bargain Queen" I'm responsible for how the bargains look and, with the hour cutting, getting them out onto the floor. I spent 7 hours on Friday and 7 hours with another person getting bargains out. We got out ALMOST 3 palettes out. I was SO proud of us! there's a little more than 1 palette left and it's all "overstock." I've gone through it all.
I was hoping to have a semi-calm week, but it's not lookin' too good. I have a dentist appointment tomorrow, then I'm helping a lady who broke her leg in to places for about a half hour each day, and then I have a podcast recording to re-record our news for Ep3 -- that is now over a MONTH old. Would have been out a week or two ago, but my editor's computer got fried because of a storm and a lovely power surge. He had to rebuild his computer, but he saved pretty much everything. Wednesday I work from 10am-6pm, but I have an "Employee of the Month" luncheon with my boss and a couple of others during my shift. Then Thurs and Fri I work 7pm-11:30pm, but I have house stuff to do along with everything else. In a lot of ways, I feel like I'm doing two jobs because of the lady I'm helping. She's nice and I enjoy going over to help her. It's just hard dragging myself over there, sometimes. :)
With that, that's all the news I really have.
Tuesday, August 8, 2006
Update on Stuff
So, our GM had contacted the next closest Borders, Santa Cruz (we're good friends with them, one of their managers use to be one of ours) and they're going to send down cafe staff when the memorial service is that way the cafe staff can all go to it. They were the closest to him out of us all. I think that's great that Santa Cruz is willing to send staff to help us.
I want to go to the memorial service and am being the relay person for another cafe member who is on leave for the summer to be home. It's been a rocky day, but overall good. One time at work today I thought I saw David walk into the store and looked that way, but it was a customer. I, of course, got choked up for a second thinking I won't see him walk in again. It's funny to think of how he would always walk in the store the same way, with the same jacket and hat on, but there you have it. *shrugs* In fact, all of us at work have our own funny little nuances you get used to.
Thanks for all the condolences and the suggestions. I'm thinking of mentioning something about taking up a collection at work. We're doing a card, but some want to do more (or at least I want to). David is really the first person I've known personally that has died. I've been to funerals and memorial services before, but didn't really know them or anything.
On completely different and happier note, I want to go to Edinburgh, Scotland for the release of the 7th (and last) Harry Potter book! A bunch of my Harry Potter friends and I want to. Either that or New York. We want to go somewhere with a big party and loads of HP fans. Of course being in Edinburgh is where JK Rowling lives! So that is our #1 place we'd like to go. I'm saving up to go, whether I go or not.
Let's hope for a Summer 2008 book release!
I want to go to the memorial service and am being the relay person for another cafe member who is on leave for the summer to be home. It's been a rocky day, but overall good. One time at work today I thought I saw David walk into the store and looked that way, but it was a customer. I, of course, got choked up for a second thinking I won't see him walk in again. It's funny to think of how he would always walk in the store the same way, with the same jacket and hat on, but there you have it. *shrugs* In fact, all of us at work have our own funny little nuances you get used to.
Thanks for all the condolences and the suggestions. I'm thinking of mentioning something about taking up a collection at work. We're doing a card, but some want to do more (or at least I want to). David is really the first person I've known personally that has died. I've been to funerals and memorial services before, but didn't really know them or anything.
On completely different and happier note, I want to go to Edinburgh, Scotland for the release of the 7th (and last) Harry Potter book! A bunch of my Harry Potter friends and I want to. Either that or New York. We want to go somewhere with a big party and loads of HP fans. Of course being in Edinburgh is where JK Rowling lives! So that is our #1 place we'd like to go. I'm saving up to go, whether I go or not.
Monday, August 7, 2006
David, Cafe David
Some sad/depressing news...
I went in to work today (they called me in). I saw Jenny in the cafe and did my normal, "Hey Jenny!" (It's a tradition and something she and I always do). She called me over and she looked terrible. I was kind of concerned. She got straight to the point and told me that David, a cafe worker that I had worked with and saw on Saturday, had passed away that same night. It was a complete shocker. He had come into work that night and looked terrible. I teased him about being tired, but he just gave me a really weird look. I kind of let it go. They let him go home early that night because he looked really, really bad. Apparently before he came in to work, he had taken some anxiety medication. Came to work, left, and taken some insomnia pills when he got home. He fell asleep, but never woke up. His mom came in today to talk to our cafe supervisor and tell him that David had passed away. David was my age.
It's been hard going to the cafe today...the cafe staff are devastated. It's a small group who constantly work with each other, so they become really close to each other. They all look terrible and than it's hard looking at the cafe and imagining David being there with his big smile and teasing me. I can imagine him telling me to "get back to work!" and teasing Jenny constantly (like when she leaves the water on in the sink) or whatever. He was always so friendly and nice. You really couldn't help but like him. He was just that way.
I can tell you one thing, it's not going to be a fun day tomorrow at work. He's going to be really missed and I hope his mom is okay. It seemed they were really close and he would help his mom out a lot. She seemed to depend on him.
So if you find it in yourself, please pray for his family, friends, and definitely fellow co-workers who are grieving for him. It's going to be a rough week...
I went in to work today (they called me in). I saw Jenny in the cafe and did my normal, "Hey Jenny!" (It's a tradition and something she and I always do). She called me over and she looked terrible. I was kind of concerned. She got straight to the point and told me that David, a cafe worker that I had worked with and saw on Saturday, had passed away that same night. It was a complete shocker. He had come into work that night and looked terrible. I teased him about being tired, but he just gave me a really weird look. I kind of let it go. They let him go home early that night because he looked really, really bad. Apparently before he came in to work, he had taken some anxiety medication. Came to work, left, and taken some insomnia pills when he got home. He fell asleep, but never woke up. His mom came in today to talk to our cafe supervisor and tell him that David had passed away. David was my age.
It's been hard going to the cafe today...the cafe staff are devastated. It's a small group who constantly work with each other, so they become really close to each other. They all look terrible and than it's hard looking at the cafe and imagining David being there with his big smile and teasing me. I can imagine him telling me to "get back to work!" and teasing Jenny constantly (like when she leaves the water on in the sink) or whatever. He was always so friendly and nice. You really couldn't help but like him. He was just that way.
I can tell you one thing, it's not going to be a fun day tomorrow at work. He's going to be really missed and I hope his mom is okay. It seemed they were really close and he would help his mom out a lot. She seemed to depend on him.
So if you find it in yourself, please pray for his family, friends, and definitely fellow co-workers who are grieving for him. It's going to be a rough week...
Sunday, August 6, 2006
So...I was asked today at the aquarium if I wanted to mentor! It's something I've done for the student guide program and at first I thought it was for the student guide program, but it's for ALL the volunteer guides! I will probably start mentoring after labor day. I'm excited! I'll work with the students, then the apprentices in November, and then help the apprentices take the final guide class in Feb. What will be funny is if I mentor someone who's double my age (which definitely could happen).
I'm excited!
I'm excited!
Tuesday, August 1, 2006
The Remus Lupins/Harry and the Potters
I forgot!!
Harry Potter fans should check out The Remus Lupins MySpace Page or The Remus Lupins Webpage and Harry and the Potteres MySpace Page or Harry and the Potters Webpage . They're Harry Potter bands.
They write and perform music based off of the Harry Potter books.
They're pretty good too.
Harry Potter fans should check out The Remus Lupins MySpace Page or The Remus Lupins Webpage and Harry and the Potteres MySpace Page or Harry and the Potters Webpage . They're Harry Potter bands.
They're pretty good too.
Happy August!
Happy August to all! And a Happy Birthday to my oldest brother (birthday was yesterday on the 1st...I'm never on time with birthdays...). 
Any ways, why is it I procrastinate? This is just making me think of when school starts again (in about 26 days). It's 1:50 am and what am I doing? I'm studying for my geology final that is in a bit more than 10 hours away.
I'm tired, but I can't go to sleep. Surprisingly enough, I'm actually going to sleep or getting sleepy earlier these days. It use to be 4am I'd be going to sleep. Now it's around 1:30am I get sleepy and fall asleep by about 2-2:30. I guess my days of getting 2-4 hours of sleep are over. :) Though, now I'm getting about 10 hours of sleep a night. LoL. I guess I'm getting more sleep now, making up for lost time? Who knows.
All I know is once I say "screw studying," I'll go to bed and won't be able to fall asleep. It happens more times than I even want to think about.
Lastly, (I'm procrastinating, again!) what am I going to do for my 21st birthday that is on Dec 21st (easy way to remember when my birthday is people!)? I'm thinking of just ignoring my birthday.
I really can't go away for my birthday until January (my birthday is too close to Christmas and than I'm going to So. Cal for New Years). So...I dunno. Any suggestions, pass 'em along!
On a random note, my smilies have been corrupted thanks to being on forums! I don't do a the dash on my smiley faces anymore.
I was known for it on IRC, but being on the forums has wiped it out. :- Oh well, it comes back every once in a while. It's really weird when it happens too. LoL
So this whole Lance Bass is now gay thing...As those who've known me for a long time know, I use to be a fan of them (it's my generation coming out). I have to be honest and say, Lance has always been my least favorite and acted a bit "apart" from the group and different. He was pegged as being gay when the band was together. So, when he came out and said he was gay, it didn't really surprise me. Once I read the news I was over it 5 minutes later.
Well, I guess I should head back to studying for my geology final that's now 10 hours away.
Any ways, why is it I procrastinate? This is just making me think of when school starts again (in about 26 days). It's 1:50 am and what am I doing? I'm studying for my geology final that is in a bit more than 10 hours away.
I'm tired, but I can't go to sleep. Surprisingly enough, I'm actually going to sleep or getting sleepy earlier these days. It use to be 4am I'd be going to sleep. Now it's around 1:30am I get sleepy and fall asleep by about 2-2:30. I guess my days of getting 2-4 hours of sleep are over. :) Though, now I'm getting about 10 hours of sleep a night. LoL. I guess I'm getting more sleep now, making up for lost time? Who knows.
All I know is once I say "screw studying," I'll go to bed and won't be able to fall asleep. It happens more times than I even want to think about.
Lastly, (I'm procrastinating, again!) what am I going to do for my 21st birthday that is on Dec 21st (easy way to remember when my birthday is people!)? I'm thinking of just ignoring my birthday.
On a random note, my smilies have been corrupted thanks to being on forums! I don't do a the dash on my smiley faces anymore.
So this whole Lance Bass is now gay thing...As those who've known me for a long time know, I use to be a fan of them (it's my generation coming out). I have to be honest and say, Lance has always been my least favorite and acted a bit "apart" from the group and different. He was pegged as being gay when the band was together. So, when he came out and said he was gay, it didn't really surprise me. Once I read the news I was over it 5 minutes later.
Well, I guess I should head back to studying for my geology final that's now 10 hours away.
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