I have been on minimal nail polish and minimal movies the last few weeks. With the craziness that was helping my parents pack and trying to get my most recent edits back in to the Aquarium, I haven't really felt like I've had a day off in weeks! Well, I suppose up till yesterday and today! I did things these two days I haven't done in ages. For example: Swatch my latest polishes, clean the rabbit's litter box (I know, it's not glorious, but Chris is the one who has been cleaning it for weeks), do the dishes and put them away in less than 24 hours (it's been more like wash half the dishes, let them sit in the draining board till we use them all, and the rest get cleaned as we needed them, etc), etc, etc. It's the little stuff you realize you put off when you're busy.
To say the least, I am THOROUGHLY enjoying my two days off and will enjoy Sunday before I start worrying about comments from the Aquarium coming back to me. I was pretty sleep-deprived this past week trying to get the edits completed (I was lucky if I was in bed before 2 am and had to open all week). On top of it, I was getting over being ill so, well, life was a little exhausting the past week. My aquarium recent draft has been turned in, though. It was amazing how many things I decided to change and add. I also wrote for things I didn't need to and had to remove pages. Joys! At any rate, it's all done!
I went to Gilroy today and got new shoes! I really needed them (I've worn the bottoms almost completely flat and a hole in the toe on the top of my old ones) and have to send my orthotics in to get refinished so new shoes are important so my feet/back don't get too messed up while they're sent away. Perhaps, TMI, but there you have it. :) What can I say, I've had a good weekend!
Perhaps the good weekend is a really good thing since things are changing at work again. I'm 3 months away from my 1 year anni and we only got 4 months of regularity and it's been nonstop changes since! We'll see, though. It could be nothing or it could be a lot! Not to mention I still need to stay on top of my aquarium edits so there's not a lot of time to relax in the foreseeable future.
So, anyway, moving on to movies and nails.
There hasn't been a whole lot and then my time has been minimal so this weekend I've put my movie time in. I watched an older and 3 somewhat-newer ones.
The Expendables (2010 - Sylvester Stallone, etc) - Well, it wasn't as bad as I thought it was going to be. It's definitely a manly-man movie and there's even saving damsels in distress! Not to mention a lot of stabbing, knifing, and shooting of people. Lots of explosions and over-the-top stuff too. There was an actual moment that I muted the movie because it was just shooting and it was LOUD. Eh. It wasn't a bad Netflix movie to watch, but there's definitely not a whole lot to it.
Grade: CSeeking Justice (Nicolas Cage, January Jones, Guy Pearce) - A Nicolas Cage movie...They tend to not be great, but a friend recommended it so I watched it on Netflix. It's not too bad. It's not great, either. I suppose there are worst things of his to watch (i.e., Ghost Rider), but there are better things to watch too. It's an interesting concept of a movie, though, where an organization basically takes justice into their own hands because the police force isn't able to solve crimes with enough proof. So, the organization can "take care of criminals," but also indebts those they help to help out future cases. Cage's character basically tries to expose and get out of the organization after he partook of it after his wife had a horrible incident that involved her being brutalized and raped. It's an interesting thing to think about, but it still bothers me to watch Cage acting. He seems so phoney to me! I will say, this was probably one of the better movies for him, though. He usually does the same acting in every movie and this one actually works, I think. Still, it's not great.
Grade: C+/B-The Lorax - Other than the crazy musical numbers, it's not too bad. Okay, so the environmental message is really strong, but I liked it. The scary man in the building is rather creepy, I must admit, but it's a nice way to tell the story. It does make you think about your impact on the environment and the cute fuzzy animals are, well, cute, but I don't know. It's just okay. It was sad to see the destruction of the forest, though. The song during the whole destruction was...interesting ("
How Bad Can I Be?" <-- YouTube Video Link) and the "Let It Grow" song sung by the villagers was rather catchy ("
Let It Grow" <-- YouTube Video of the villagers version (not the Ester Dean version)). Okay, so it was a little cheesy, but, eh. It was catchy! I did like the fish in the movie and I enjoyed how the animals looked like what is in the book. The fish, birds, and bears ARE Dr. Seuss characters. The fish I particularly enjoyed. They're funny and the bears are cute. Grade: B/B-
What to Expect When You're Expecting (Jennifer Lopez, Chris Rock, etc) - I was kind of surprised that I liked it as much as I did. These types are always hit or miss. It's funny and it's got some nice moments in it. It basically follows 5 couples and their trying to have a child. 1 is going to adopt overseas after IVF didn't work; 2 have an unplanned pregnancy (1 couple has twins); 1 had a successful IVF after 2 years; and 1 had a failed pregnancy. There are some other things like the men's club too. It was touching at points and it was funny at other times. This movie isn't the type where all the characters end up interacting with each other at some point (or connect to each other), but their timelines overlap each other (basically all become pregnant at the same point or give birth/adopt at the same time). I think everyone did a good job and I liked it. I don't think I'd really watch it again, but it was good. Chris thought it was funny at points too. The end with the kid is HILARIOUS. And the adoption was sweet.
Grade: BI want to mention one other thing...One of the trailers in front of The Lorax was for Barbie: The Princess and the Popstar. Oh.My.Gosh...Someone remove the memory from my mind!! Barbie singing "Princesses just want to have fun"...Wow...No, no, no!! And to top it off, the storyline is the Popstar wanting to be a princess and the Princess wanting to be able to sing so they switch! Wow...Please...make the memory go away!
Anyway, with that, I'm up to 69 movies for the year! I did rewatch Hunger Games on DVD. I liked it the 2nd time and maybe even more because I was fully awake for it. I'm still not in LOVE with it as some people I know are, but it's good. I'm looking forward to the 2nd one.
In addition to the movie watching, this week I finally watched Political Animals from the USA Network. I liked it. I can't say it's amazing like West Wing, but it's interesting. It kind of reminds me of a political soap opera since it's also very much about the family and their issues. I think I could go either way for a 2nd season or not. I think it's interesting enough to watch more, but I also could live without it too.
Because of my time availability, I've been going about a week between nails. It positively drove me nuts for a few days because my nails were chipped on the left hand, but I just couldn't take the time to redo them. I did, however, redo them Thursday (the first chance I had!). I decided to do my first jelly-sandwich, which is basically a jelly polish on the bottom, a glitter in between, and more jelly polish on top. A jelly polish, for those who don't know, is a type of sheer polish that isn't opaque and has a jelly-like (as in PB&J) look/quality to it. It's kind of like a colored top coat. At any rate, this was my first jelly-sandwich I've done. I like it!

This is Zoya Frida with Lynnderella Snow Angel in the middle. I should probably have wrapped my tips so they were more opaque (wrapping is basically putting polish on the free edge and slightly underneath), but oh well. There is a HINT of visible nail line (VNL) even with 4 coats of color and 1 of the glitter, but it's not too bad. I will probably never wear Frida on its own, though. I can't stand seeing VNL. I probably need a thicker top coat to get the grittiness of Snow Angel completely gone too. Might help the shine of Frida come out better.
In other news, JK Rowling's new book (The Casual Vacancy) comes out September 27! I'm excited! I also have 3 other books coming out in October, which will be good since I've been short on books lately. I sort of blew through everything I really wanted to read. I have plenty TO read, but nothing I really WANT to read. I guess I should just slug through my eh-reads since one of them is the 2nd book in a series a friend likes. We'll see.
Anyway, that's all for now!