Tuesday, September 30, 2003
Did I mention....4 days late...that we lost our 3rd football game?! It was close, in the 14 points away range. 35-49 loss, but the paper...man...apparently we gave up a LOAD of stuff in a few minutes and we looked like the "team that lost 21 games in a row." *rolls eyes* Oh well. I think there goes some of our football team support.
Oh well. I stayed home today from school, since, again, MAOS went to Cal Poly, SLO. I got up around 9:30am. *shrugs* Went to ASL tonight, etc, etc. Felt kind of nice lazying around. Gotta make up physics tomorrow, but oh well. No sweat, I hope.
Math test tomorrow, English essay/test we finish tomorrow in class, Civics quiz too. *shrugs* Any ways, all for now!
Monday, September 29, 2003
Man! There was something REALLY funny Kristina said earlier today when we were coming home from lunch and now I can't remember! Math stuff I got today was EASY! I finished it really fast and I'm confident about it all too. Interesting....Tomorrow everyone goes to Cal Poly, San Luis Opbispo. I get to STAY home. *grins* I do have class tomorrow so...*shrugs* Plus finish my English essay on Wed, Civics quiz Wed, and a math test Wed. Isn't that lovely?!
Any ways, I gotta figure out what Kristina said today...all for now!
Sunday, September 28, 2003
Today was interesting. Becky came over to study for math, we had the OCF people come over today. We played pictionary. I did my homework, mostly.
Math, I got kind of...stuck on, oh well. I did some chores too, etc, etc. Not much happened I suppose, but then a lot also happened. Who knows...
Tomorrow is a MINIMUM Day! YAY!
Saturday, September 27, 2003
Oh darn...I thought I had an entry in here for today, apparently I didn't submit it before the power flickered. Shucks...oh well. Any ways, today was my lazy day. I didn't even get any homework finished, which I'm gonna be scrambling to do tomorrow. Oh well. Becky's comin' over tomorrow so we can study for math, OCF's (campus club) leadership is comin' over too. I just have to endure 5 more days of school and then I'm finished for two weeks.
The count down begins!
Friday, September 26, 2003
Thursday, September 25, 2003
Oi....Physics *cries* It was okay, but 20 problems every problem worth 5 points. *raises an eyebrow* Oh! I don't get to go on the oceanography cruise tomorrow with the sophomores. :- They moved the time to go and if I went I'd be missing math, which I really don't want to miss since we have a test on next Wednesday. And there's a minimum day on Monday and my teacher and most of my class won't be there on Tuesday because MAOS is going to Cal Poly San Luis Obispo for the day. So yeah...that was a bummer. :- Oh well. Nothing much else happened today. Wrote a timed-write today in English. Man...I forgot how those can be really aggrivating at times. But I got it completed in enough time. I guess Mrs. Eagle's training is still stuck in my head, which is good. I've ASL tonight. Gotta do a skit today. That'll be interesting. Any ways, all for now!
Wednesday, September 24, 2003
STUPID internet! I had a nice entry and the internet died so it never got posted...Oh well...here's a quote from one of my guy friends. 
My friend (8:16:31 PM): dooooooo not forget
My friend (8:16:33 PM): im still 15
My friend (8:16:37 PM): my brain is the size of a walnut
It just struck me funny...no offense to anyone who's 15 that reads this.
i have a physics test tomorrow! NOO!!! It's HARD too...well not really, but there's all these SMALL things to know and it SUCKS.
Nothng much happened today in school. We had a speaker today in Civics on a Republican view of the recall of Davis. It was interesting, I suppose. Most of it I already knew. It's gonna be kind of hard to do the write-up since I don't have much of an opinion. Then again, I kind of zoned out towards the last 10 minutes. The guy was really knowledgeable. He was 22, just graduted from Berkeley. It was kind of impressive how much he knew. Any ways...all for now! Must go finish studying.
My friend (8:16:31 PM): dooooooo not forget
My friend (8:16:33 PM): im still 15
My friend (8:16:37 PM): my brain is the size of a walnut
i have a physics test tomorrow! NOO!!! It's HARD too...well not really, but there's all these SMALL things to know and it SUCKS.
Tuesday, September 23, 2003
I'M GETTING OLD!!! I just found a partly blonde/white/light brown/black hair! The first inch of it is black, then it goes like a white/blonde then there's parts where it's LIGHT brown, then back to white/blonde. Most of it is white/blonde. Man, gotta cut down on the stress, or....It means my actions are becoming more and more blonde...*blinks*
Just thought I'd share the discovery of my one weird hair.
Ugh, I'm tired. Sitting in Ms. Kiefer's room right now at 6th period. Since I don't have a 6th period I either TA more for her (I TA 5th period) or do homework, but there's not much for me to do, except math homework, but I don't have my book with me, don't bring it to school. Though I expect we have a quiz due on Thursday. I have ASL tonight too. I'm so tired I'm not quite looking foreward to it, but once I'm there I should be fine, as long as I don't fall asleep at Lab. *rolls eyes* Some people at lab have done that before. My friend Daniel goes for Italian and he just logs in and leaves for the hour and comes back. He's not taking the class or any class purposes. He's just taking it for the heck of it.
He goes back to Brazil in December any ways. I got a 95 on my math test. I did a stupid thing and multiplied 9 x 5 = 40! That was fun, but I only lost one point for that and I missed 4 on another problem, I added something instead of subtracting it with absolute values of imaginary numbers (review). *rolls eyes* Oh well. I'm REALLY hungry right now too. Gonna chow-down when I get home.
All for now.
Monday, September 22, 2003
Man, talk about a boring Senior class parent meeting. *laughs* I know what our graduation announcements look like now. Then again, I did only go to the the last 15 minutes the meeting, but my mom says it was pretty boring.
ROV was...kind of a waste. We didn't get hardly anything done, besides "Have something done by Tuesday, or else." Oh and what everyone is suppose to have done by Tuesday. It's kind of discouraging how little and unfocused most of the group is. Oh well, I suppose. I'm dead tired, on an ending note.
AHH!! THE AGONY! I have ANOTHER physics test Thursday....This chapter was either REALLY short, or we're not doing the entire chapter. Honetly to say, I only open the book to do the homework. We don't have to read the book.
Mr. Hoey is a good teacher, no need.
I took my math test today. It seemed easy enough. We'll see about it when I get my grade tomorrow. There were 4 perfect papers in the 1st period class, he hadn't done our class yet. The average was about 75% and the lowest was a 26, I think. Our class tends to do better then 1st period, so we'll see!
Nothing else much happened today. I do have an ROV meeting tonight and a Senior Class Parent/information meeting. They overlap each other. ROV 6-8, Senior class meeting starts at 7pm.
It's ANOTHER beautiful day in Monterey too.
Not as hot as yesterday, but a good amount of being hot.
I'm gonna go make some food. Mm...Bacon and eggs. *drools* I'll write whenever the mood strikes me. Hasta
I took my math test today. It seemed easy enough. We'll see about it when I get my grade tomorrow. There were 4 perfect papers in the 1st period class, he hadn't done our class yet. The average was about 75% and the lowest was a 26, I think. Our class tends to do better then 1st period, so we'll see!
Nothing else much happened today. I do have an ROV meeting tonight and a Senior Class Parent/information meeting. They overlap each other. ROV 6-8, Senior class meeting starts at 7pm.
It's ANOTHER beautiful day in Monterey too.
Sunday, September 21, 2003
AHHH!!! My hands feel all weird now....All the salt water and the water was REALLY cold for some reason on the hands, sometimes it seems warmer. No clue....Any ways, it's a record breaking day today, heat wise. It's still hot here. 84 or something today. The aquarium was dreadfully boring. Though it was nice to be back at the aquarium since I missed about a month and a half. I found out, I can't do the fall guide class either. No time for it. I hope they have a spring one. I have 586 hours at the aquarium currently. *nods* I'm a bit behind in hours since I missed a few shifts and I didn't put in my normal 100 hours over the summer.
All for now
I'm TIRED....
I didn't go to sleep till around 1:30am. It sucked, but oh well. At least I have basically no homework.
I just need to review for my math test tomorrow. This math test determines if I have an A in the class or a B. *cries* I'm borderline A.
5 points above. I have to remember to put my phone number into my friend's "handy" tomorrow. I think he needs to get his mind back to the US and not Germany. He was in Germany two years ago and yet he STILL calls it a "handy." *rolls eyes* Any ways I've got the aquarium today. I haven't been in a month and a half. It's gonna be WEIRD being back there.
It's SUCH a nice day too! Almost too hot...at least my hands will be cold seawater all day...It's a love/hate thing.
Write more latas
Saturday, September 20, 2003
Ahahahaha! Okay, I think I've had enough in updating the site. This is gonna be what it looks like for a while, unless I get tired of it!
The irony too...I went back in TIME! Who says one can't time travel? The date it says I've been a member says since the 20th of September, yet my first entry is the 19th...Go figure.
Friday, September 19, 2003
Schweet! Well...this week...was interesting....
Went kinda fast. TWO weeks of school left!! Happy Birthday to Ebonee' and Nick! They're both 17 today! Our 2nd football game is tonight, hope we win...LoL.
I have a math test Monday....Physics test I got a 92 on...I missed 8 points on two problems, half credit because of STUPID mistakes. One of them I forgot to square root 36 and another I took the WRONG number, I took 32 instead of 38 for theta....
Oh well, I'll live. The time issue thing for entries is being looked into! So i hope to have that fixed.
I have the aquarium this weekend. Mysteries of the Deep is no longer there (YES!). Sharks, Myth, and Mystery opens up in April of 2004, I believe! YAY! TOUCHPOOL there too! That's gonna be a lot of fun. Any ways, must go. Adios
AHHH!! This is kinda cool...been lookin' for something like this. *shrugs* I'll most likely be changing this as I get use to xanga more and more. I figured I'd do this for people that can keep up on me or something...I dunno...Plus AIM isn't the most efficient place to do "journals." Plus, I can't always write everything that has happened because AIM cuts me off.
Oh well...So on AIM I'll probably start resorting to URLs and random quotes and keep journal stuff here, most likely.
We'll see as time goes on! AHAHA!! The times on this journal are Eastern! So...yeah....just subtract 3 hours whenever I do this.
Like this is TRULY a Friday night at 10:45pm entry!
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