STUPID internet! I had a nice entry and the internet died so it never got posted...Oh's a quote from one of my guy friends.

My friend (8:16:31 PM): dooooooo not forget
My friend (8:16:33 PM): im still 15
My friend (8:16:37 PM): my brain is the size of a walnut

It just struck me offense to anyone who's 15 that reads this.
i have a physics test tomorrow! NOO!!! It's HARD too...well not really, but there's all these SMALL things to know and it SUCKS.

Nothng much happened today in school. We had a speaker today in Civics on a Republican view of the recall of Davis. It was interesting, I suppose. Most of it I already knew. It's gonna be kind of hard to do the write-up since I don't have much of an opinion. Then again, I kind of zoned out towards the last 10 minutes. The guy was really knowledgeable. He was 22, just graduted from Berkeley. It was kind of impressive how much he knew. Any ways...all for now! Must go finish studying.
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