Friday, October 31, 2003
Days been a funky day...English was boring and funny at the sametime. Civics was stupid, we got a pop quiz instead of our "normal" studying we do (competition, half of class against the other half, etc, etc); 40 question pop quiz ont he 17 amendments! GOOD thing I did some studying in SSR or I would have been screwed, MAJORLY. I missed about 4 questions (he went over the answers). Math test today was stupid.
It was kind of question I got an imaginary number in, which I know has to be wrong, and the other one I never finished, just couldn't figure it out. Showed some work though. Physics, Ijust could NOT concentrate today in Physics. TA was good. No work had to be done so it was just a "do anything you want" period, which was nice since NO one was in the room any ways.
Hardly any trick-o-treaters tonight, wonder if the cold weather and the fact there's not too many children around here has an effect on that.
Rain stopped around 8am today. Least it rained all during the night. Felt nice to have rain for once, sucked for the girls in costumes though!
It was kind of funny seeing girls in skimpy costumes in the rain. Them being cold, trying to keep themselves dry, keep their hair nice, etc.
Any ways, all for now!
Wednesday, October 29, 2003
YAY!!! I PASSED my Physics test with an 84! I missed only 3 problems!
I'm excited! Not much else happened today, was a pretty relaxing day, I suppose. The only thing that got my blood pressure up was math and our sub. *rolls eyes* That sub was MEAN today. He only would go over 2 problems today in math, and that quiz was hard! Mr. Cruzan typically goes over as many problems as we need if it's a take home quiz, which this was, that way we LEARN how to do the math, but this sub wouldn't do that. SO...I didn't get to answer a few problems, and he assumed he was RIGHT. He wouldn't check the book to make sure his answer was correct! So we don't even know if the answers he got are correct or not. *rolls eyes* Isn't that lovely?
Mr. Mercuri is getting sick, so he wasn't in a thrilled mood today either. We covered a load of amendments today, a few we just said "this is what it is" and moved on though. English we're watching Kenneth Branagh's version of _Hamlet_. It's pretty good, pretty accurate to the play too. We watched a movie today in physics too, as we normally do on modern day physics after a test, but I don't remember any of it...then again, I didn't WATCH any of it. I think it was on quantamechanics, or however you spell that, it was mentioned at least in the movie, I watched maybe a total of 3 minutes of the movie.
It's not sunny here, I can tell you that, it's a patchy cloudy day, with a small wind, and it's COLD standing outside, it's not HOT like it was yesterday. So today is DEFINITELY better then yesterday on all accounts, except one, but I'll live with it. It's a monthly thing. Any ways, all for now!
Tuesday, October 28, 2003
I am so NOT in the mood for crap...I'm tired, I'm grumpy, bleh, bleh, bleh. I'm about to break something, I'm so NOT in the mood. Gah...I should update when I get home, when I'm not tired and grumpy. I did bad on my physics test, blanked out on 6 problems. I'll be lucky if I PASS the stupid test, which loses me my A, for sure. Which I need an A in the class to stay in CSF. ASL was okay, I suppose, it was hot here, again. I'm tired and my physics test doesn't make me in a good mood. I've been in a sour mood since Physics, that would be from 12:10pm to now, 9:05pm. Bleh...I don't even want my physics test back, at all. Don't want to see it. Bleh, it just really pisses me off! Any ways, I'm going. Tomorrow I have nothing to do after school, which is NICE. I HAVE to e-mail my mentor for my internship. I NEED to complete my 90 hours by the beginning of January. I'm off, later.
Monday, October 27, 2003
Sunday, October 26, 2003
Man...I cut the hedges by the house today. They're really big, about 6 feet tall, and one is about least 8 feet long, and the other is not as long. I spent over 2 hours cutting the bigger hedge, top and side, and the other I just cut the sides so people could walk on the side-walk. But boy do my hands and arms hurt. The sides aren't the problem, doing the top is ackward for the arms and such...*shrugs* So yeah, that's what I did today. Yesterday was the Halloween party, which was pretty cool. There were people from Greenland, Thailand, Iceland, Germany, Taiwan, I think someone was Dutch, Brazil, etc, etc. Lots of people, lots of talking and lots of fun.
I didn't get home till past midnight. My mom got lost picking us up, which is completely understandable. Mrs. Eagle's house isn't the easiest place to find, plus it's pitch dark. Her house is REALLY nice though. Looks like it has a nice view and such. Any ways, all for now, well all my arms can take of typing. Got an ASL test on Tuesday, Math test Friday, Physics test Tuesday, English quiz Tuesday, and probably a civics quiz soon. Busy week...Any ways, all for now!
Saturday, October 25, 2003
This is what happens when you talk to SOME foreigners, or more specifically, Jonas. 
Bethany - "Perfection in the human mind truly is just our "satisfactory level."" says: (4:47:54 PM)
Ugh, gotta dust
Bethany - "Perfection in the human mind truly is just our "satisfactory level."" says: (4:47:55 PM)
Jonas says: (4:47:56 PM)
Jonas says: (4:48:00 PM)
Jonas says: (4:49:18 PM)
M J K ! ! ! ! ! ! !
Jonas says: (4:51:07 PM)
Bethany - "Perfection in the human mind truly is just our "satisfactory level."" says: (4:54:22 PM)
Jonas says: (4:54:34 PM)
werent u going?
Bethany - "Perfection in the human mind truly is just our "satisfactory level."" says: (4:54:45 PM)
I went and dusted
Bethany - "Perfection in the human mind truly is just our "satisfactory level."" says: (4:54:50 PM)
now I'm back
Jonas says: (4:54:52 PM)
Jonas says: (4:55:00 PM)
thought u meant dust.. as in appear
Jonas says: (4:55:07 PM)
Bethany - "Perfection in the human mind truly is just our "satisfactory level."" says: (4:55:12 PM)
Bethany - "Perfection in the human mind truly is just our "satisfactory level."" says: (4:55:16 PM)
Jonas says: (4:55:25 PM)
when u turn into dust.. ur gone.. see?
Bethany - "Perfection in the human mind truly is just our "satisfactory level."" says: (4:47:54 PM)
Ugh, gotta dust
Bethany - "Perfection in the human mind truly is just our "satisfactory level."" says: (4:47:55 PM)
Jonas says: (4:47:56 PM)
Jonas says: (4:48:00 PM)
Jonas says: (4:49:18 PM)
M J K ! ! ! ! ! ! !
Jonas says: (4:51:07 PM)
Bethany - "Perfection in the human mind truly is just our "satisfactory level."" says: (4:54:22 PM)
Jonas says: (4:54:34 PM)
werent u going?
Bethany - "Perfection in the human mind truly is just our "satisfactory level."" says: (4:54:45 PM)
I went and dusted
Bethany - "Perfection in the human mind truly is just our "satisfactory level."" says: (4:54:50 PM)
now I'm back
Jonas says: (4:54:52 PM)
Jonas says: (4:55:00 PM)
thought u meant dust.. as in appear
Jonas says: (4:55:07 PM)
Bethany - "Perfection in the human mind truly is just our "satisfactory level."" says: (4:55:12 PM)
Bethany - "Perfection in the human mind truly is just our "satisfactory level."" says: (4:55:16 PM)
Jonas says: (4:55:25 PM)
when u turn into dust.. ur gone.. see?
It's amazing...They want a control burning, but they didn't learn from their LAST control burning...the army, or whoever it is that wants these control burnings on CSUMB. There's still helicopters and such flying over head and all. You'd think they'd learn from the LAST one.
I guess I expect people to have brains...Oh well.
No update yesterday because I fell asleep yesterday at 5pm. I got up around 11:30pm for about 15 minutes and went back to bed. Slept till 9:30am. 16 hours of sleep! Way to go me! I feel a bit weird though....I dunno...maybe it's from all the sleeping.
Any ways, yesterday was an okay day. I can't remember much of what happened. *shrugs* Today...the Breeder's Cup...The races were odd...Hardly ANY favorites won, which is pretty typical, and there was a dead heat! Or, in other words, a tie. Those horses were TIED too. The photo finish there was no doubt they were tied at all. It was the first in the 20 years the Breeder Cup has been around, the first in 144 races.
Oh! The fire yesterday. There was a control burn on the Fort Ord land, 500 acres, which ended up being burned to 1,000 acres+. This morning I woke up to a lot of helicopters and planes flying over the house. Apparently most of the fire is out now. I haven't heard many planes or helicopters flying over lately. They got the fire mainly under control yesterday. It was weird being at school though. The smoke made it all the way to our school and there was ash falling from the sky and a lot of people's chests would hurt and it was hard to breath. And speaking of helicopters...I hear one now. LoL.
I don't have the aquarium tomorrow and I'm REALLY glad too. Use the time to recoop and study and such. Not much homework this weekend or anything, but I have SATs next Sat at Seaside HS, and aquarium next weekend. Today I have a Halloween party to go to.
OH! WE WON! Monterey WON a football game! 19-6! SECOND game of the season! Isn't that amazing?! That brings our total up to 3 wins in 4 years!
Any ways, must go!
Any ways, yesterday was an okay day. I can't remember much of what happened. *shrugs* Today...the Breeder's Cup...The races were odd...Hardly ANY favorites won, which is pretty typical, and there was a dead heat! Or, in other words, a tie. Those horses were TIED too. The photo finish there was no doubt they were tied at all. It was the first in the 20 years the Breeder Cup has been around, the first in 144 races.
Oh! The fire yesterday. There was a control burn on the Fort Ord land, 500 acres, which ended up being burned to 1,000 acres+. This morning I woke up to a lot of helicopters and planes flying over the house. Apparently most of the fire is out now. I haven't heard many planes or helicopters flying over lately. They got the fire mainly under control yesterday. It was weird being at school though. The smoke made it all the way to our school and there was ash falling from the sky and a lot of people's chests would hurt and it was hard to breath. And speaking of helicopters...I hear one now. LoL.
I don't have the aquarium tomorrow and I'm REALLY glad too. Use the time to recoop and study and such. Not much homework this weekend or anything, but I have SATs next Sat at Seaside HS, and aquarium next weekend. Today I have a Halloween party to go to.
OH! WE WON! Monterey WON a football game! 19-6! SECOND game of the season! Isn't that amazing?! That brings our total up to 3 wins in 4 years!
Any ways, must go!
Thursday, October 23, 2003
Wednesday, October 22, 2003
Today? Today...*thinks* Well I did a lot of stuff on Word today. Stuff for English and Civics. *shrugs* I'm not gonna bother with my math homework.
We have a quiz tomorrow any ways, dun feel like doin' it this week. Just too tired. I'll look at it on break or something. *shrugs* Not much happened today, which was NICE. Any ways, all for now!
Short entry because I'm too lazy to talk about much. Oh, btw, my speaker came to talk to us about High School Students' Rights Under the Constitution. Very interesting. Hasta
Tuesday, October 21, 2003
Man...I'm GLAD tomorrow I have NOTHING to do after school. It's gonna feel NICE! I can figure out my internship and the project and such. My mind is now just starting to click with me on what I want to be doing. So it's all good, as of right now.
E-mail my mentor tomorrow and such and be on my way for BUSY weeks! I've been slacking on my math homework this week, so far, but it's mainly all review and such, so I feel okay on it.
I'll look over it more over the weekend and such. The Breeder's Cup is this Saturday! Thoroughbred Horse Racing! It's in Arcadia, CA (outside of LA). I wish I could go.
But I can't. *sigh* Next year it's in Texas, and the year after back in Maryland, I think. Nothing much else is goin' on. *shrugs* ASL was okay. We had a substitute today and on Thursday. He was pretty cool. He can hear some and speak so that was cool. Our class definitely wasn't use to it and he talks VERY softly, but it was all good. All for now!
Monday, October 20, 2003
The tiredness...Ugh...The first day back wasn't too painful. But we hvae a funky quarter though. We have 5 minimum days and Vetran's Day is on a TUESDAY. So we have a minimum day the day before and no school on a Tuesday. Isn't that weird? We all wish we could have all our half days put into one full off day too. It's stupid having all these half days. Teachers can't get enough done in a half hour any ways. *shrugs* MAOS Seniors have a fieldtrip on one of the minimum days too, that kind of sucks. *shrugs* Any ways, I'm just really tired. ROV Club we actually got a fair amount of work accomplished. I feel like I didn't get anything done, but as of right now we can't buy any joysticks or anything until we know how many buttons and such we need. The scenario is out though. It's HARDER then last year...more work... *Cringes* Oh well. ROV Website Stuff That's basically the link right there. With the scenario, the schematics, etc, etc. *shrugs* The scenario is LONG, 22 pages! Any ways, all for now. I'm too tired to write anything else out.
Sunday, October 19, 2003
Goodness....The aquarium was good. Not a lot of people there. It was also interesting to see all the new construction going on at the aquarium on their new entrance. There wasn't a lot of people, but a good flow. I didn't get bored at any station. There was stuff to do if there wasn't a lot of people. I got to have some GOOD conversations with some visitors who just hung onto every word I said and others who talked back to me asking me about myself and so forth. And the Guest Ambassadors (or whatever they're called) came over to Splash Zone and we had some fun making the Sand Scallop swim.
I've never seen that done in real life and it was cool to see.
Though, in sense, it probably wasn't nice to the scallop, especially since the sea star had NO interest in it.
But as we said, "It's keeping the scallop in shape." Well, that's the excuse we gave to visitors.
*shrugs* We have up and down days at the aquaruim. It was an up day!
I start school tomorrow.
Oh well...I haven't done much for ROV. *cough* I'll have to do that in a few....I lost my remote controller I had...Oh well. I'll write something up QUICK tomorrow in 6th and 5th period, if I have nothing much to do. I don't even know if we'll have a meeting tomorrow even. *shrugs* I also need to finsih 75 hours of my internship.
I gotta CRAM the time in somewhere...I also have an ASL Test coming up. Our first one a week from this Tuesday. *shrugs* 50 points! We have a sub all this week because our teacher is going down to help his mom who is having some minor surgery.
Any ways...all for now!
I start school tomorrow.
Any ways...all for now!
Saturday, October 18, 2003
I had a WEIRD dream last night.
This is a modified version of a chat convo I had with Jonas telling him about the dream.
Excuse any funny typos or "rough" parts. 
It was kind of confusing. It all revolved around this one office building that had a lot of different departments in it. I was in a different department for some weird "Green Thumb Theif" thing...and escalators and such (reminded me of an airport/car garage place)...and my dad worked in the building too in some other department. Any ways, I was walking somewhere and this guy was walking the other direction (reminded me of the Monterey County Fairgrounds, the grassy area), I knew him, and I turned around to follow with him to talk to him. I don't remember what he said, but he basically brushed me off. Like I was inferior to him. Then sometime goes by and people were accusing me of following him, etc and he comes back and asks me out in this side compartment area (kind of like where the vendors are at the fairgrounds, but with metal roll back doors). I don't think I gave him an answer, but time goes on again and a fire breaks out in the level right above where I was (they didn't evacuate the building...My dad left the building for home before the fire though) and these fire fighters wanted me to go get that guy and I had to wake him up. He asked "when did the fire start" or something like that, or when did my dad leave from work, or what were the conditions of the fire and where and I said "yesterday sometime" and he's all "I meant today" and I said "but "today" is yesterday because it's past midnight" and I looked at my watch and realized it wasn't past midnight. I gave this laugh and he stormed out of where he was sleeping and said "Next time get your facts straight, kid." or something like that and I was all hurt and such. People were asking me if we were gonna date or something. It was like...he liked me a lot, but for some reason he would treat me as an ineferior because he didn't want to express his true feelings or something. I don't know what he looks like though, no face man.
A name was never said in the dream either.
It's weird...this is the 3rd time I've had a dream in a span of years with a guy with no face, but I'm either dating him, or something else oddly related (once we went shopping for an engagement ring on Fisherman's wharf, but it wasn't the wharf, it was more of a pier with two stores on it...). I typically have dreams with people I know in 'em. The dream was just really funny feeling. Like I KNEW in my dream the guy liked me, but he was trying to cover it up by acting superior to me. I dunno. He was in his twenties too. *shrugs* Oh well.
It's all odd! I just have odd dreams is all. 
I haven't figured out the football score, yet. I should go check in a few. I haven't looked at the paper at all today.
Gotta go. Write more latas!
This is a modified version of a chat convo I had with Jonas telling him about the dream.
It was kind of confusing. It all revolved around this one office building that had a lot of different departments in it. I was in a different department for some weird "Green Thumb Theif" thing...and escalators and such (reminded me of an airport/car garage place)...and my dad worked in the building too in some other department. Any ways, I was walking somewhere and this guy was walking the other direction (reminded me of the Monterey County Fairgrounds, the grassy area), I knew him, and I turned around to follow with him to talk to him. I don't remember what he said, but he basically brushed me off. Like I was inferior to him. Then sometime goes by and people were accusing me of following him, etc and he comes back and asks me out in this side compartment area (kind of like where the vendors are at the fairgrounds, but with metal roll back doors). I don't think I gave him an answer, but time goes on again and a fire breaks out in the level right above where I was (they didn't evacuate the building...My dad left the building for home before the fire though) and these fire fighters wanted me to go get that guy and I had to wake him up. He asked "when did the fire start" or something like that, or when did my dad leave from work, or what were the conditions of the fire and where and I said "yesterday sometime" and he's all "I meant today" and I said "but "today" is yesterday because it's past midnight" and I looked at my watch and realized it wasn't past midnight. I gave this laugh and he stormed out of where he was sleeping and said "Next time get your facts straight, kid." or something like that and I was all hurt and such. People were asking me if we were gonna date or something. It was like...he liked me a lot, but for some reason he would treat me as an ineferior because he didn't want to express his true feelings or something. I don't know what he looks like though, no face man.
It's weird...this is the 3rd time I've had a dream in a span of years with a guy with no face, but I'm either dating him, or something else oddly related (once we went shopping for an engagement ring on Fisherman's wharf, but it wasn't the wharf, it was more of a pier with two stores on it...). I typically have dreams with people I know in 'em. The dream was just really funny feeling. Like I KNEW in my dream the guy liked me, but he was trying to cover it up by acting superior to me. I dunno. He was in his twenties too. *shrugs* Oh well.
I haven't figured out the football score, yet. I should go check in a few. I haven't looked at the paper at all today.
Friday, October 17, 2003
I sat around doing nothing today...LoL...just on the comptuer litterly almost ALL day, except a few hours.
Didn't get out of bed till 12:15pm.
I woke up way earlier then that, but just lazied around. Football team played, NO clue of the score though. Say what it was tomorrow.
SHORT entry!'s "911" not "991" and it's "taco" not "tacho."
Thursday, October 16, 2003
Well, I'M HOME!!!
And boy does it feel GOOD to be home.
I got the Clay Aiken CD too. Well, my mom did.
*laughs* It's pretty good. At least I know he can REALLY sing, unlike some artists. *cough* Britney Spears *cough* Any ways, Yosemite was fun. Didn't do much, just lazied around. Rode my bike to Happy Isles everyday I was there. It's a little over a mile round trip. It was nice there. Wednesday, the last full day there I went and sat on a rock in the middle of the river on the 3rd island. It was nice. Just sat and read and such. It was nice weather there too. It was funny coming back home and seeing fog and such. I haven't seen fog in almost two weeks, so it was really weird.
The Sierra Nevadas were nice though, in Tahoe and Yosemite. We could tell winter was coming too. The weather seemed to get colder everyday we were there. It's going to be nice sleeping in my OWN bed tonight and on a matress. Though, sleeping in my sleeping bag and such weren't bad though. I was warm every night. The only thing I was really kept up to date in Yosemite was baseball.
It's a shame the Cubs aren't in the World Series. :- Oh well...Gotta wait for the results from the Boston vs NY Yankees game though. I HOPE Boston gets into the world series. My poor dad, grandpa, and uncle up in Yosemite still. They're probably agonizing during the game. It's 5-5 in the top of the 9th inning. >.< I gotta catch up on thoroughbred racing. I'm a bit behind, but *Shrugs* Happens! It was really nice and relaxing in Yosemite though.
Being away from everything. My legs are nicely in shape too.
From all that biking, but my muscles do hurt a little, oh well. Any ways, long enough entry for now. I start school on Monday, and I have the aquarium on Sunday. Write more whenever I remember something.
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