This is a modified version of a chat convo I had with Jonas telling him about the dream.
It was kind of confusing. It all revolved around this one office building that had a lot of different departments in it. I was in a different department for some weird "Green Thumb Theif" thing...and escalators and such (reminded me of an airport/car garage place)...and my dad worked in the building too in some other department. Any ways, I was walking somewhere and this guy was walking the other direction (reminded me of the Monterey County Fairgrounds, the grassy area), I knew him, and I turned around to follow with him to talk to him. I don't remember what he said, but he basically brushed me off. Like I was inferior to him. Then sometime goes by and people were accusing me of following him, etc and he comes back and asks me out in this side compartment area (kind of like where the vendors are at the fairgrounds, but with metal roll back doors). I don't think I gave him an answer, but time goes on again and a fire breaks out in the level right above where I was (they didn't evacuate the building...My dad left the building for home before the fire though) and these fire fighters wanted me to go get that guy and I had to wake him up. He asked "when did the fire start" or something like that, or when did my dad leave from work, or what were the conditions of the fire and where and I said "yesterday sometime" and he's all "I meant today" and I said "but "today" is yesterday because it's past midnight" and I looked at my watch and realized it wasn't past midnight. I gave this laugh and he stormed out of where he was sleeping and said "Next time get your facts straight, kid." or something like that and I was all hurt and such. People were asking me if we were gonna date or something. It was like...he liked me a lot, but for some reason he would treat me as an ineferior because he didn't want to express his true feelings or something. I don't know what he looks like though, no face man.
It's weird...this is the 3rd time I've had a dream in a span of years with a guy with no face, but I'm either dating him, or something else oddly related (once we went shopping for an engagement ring on Fisherman's wharf, but it wasn't the wharf, it was more of a pier with two stores on it...). I typically have dreams with people I know in 'em. The dream was just really funny feeling. Like I KNEW in my dream the guy liked me, but he was trying to cover it up by acting superior to me. I dunno. He was in his twenties too. *shrugs* Oh well.
I haven't figured out the football score, yet. I should go check in a few. I haven't looked at the paper at all today.
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