Saturday, January 31, 2004
Man, been neglecting my poor site...Oh well...
I've been fairly busy lately. Monday I have ROV from 6-8pm, Tuesday I have my aquarium guide class from 6-9pm, Fish and Game Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday from 2:15-4:30pm, I might do Mondays too, but I'll see. My English teacher is trying to kill everyone too. We're having to read 3 books at once. I finished one book completely, my book report book, but now I have to read 126 pages from Wide Sargasso Sea and 4 double entry journals, and about 4 chapters a night in Jane Eyre, some nights it can be up to 40 pages a night with a log a night, so I try and get ahead in the reading so I don't get into trouble with other classes and homework. She also does pop quizzes, so *shrugs* Oh well....That's pretty much that's all goin' on for now. Latas
Sunday, January 18, 2004
Back from DC!! It was fun, cold, boring, busy, and tiring.
I have this REALLY long thing about what we did, 2 1/2 pages on Word, but I figured not everyone here would want to read it, so if you want to, email me.
For those that don't want to read a 2 1/2 page long summary, here's the short summary.
We did a presentation, listened to a lot of lectures, saw the National Aquarium in Baltimore, had dinner there also. Went to the National Geographic Center/Museum, had dinner there and saw the preview for the Crittercam, which is REALLY cool, airs on Nationa Geographic Channel at 8pm on Saturdays. We went to the Old Executive Office Building to do a presentation and meet some officials, it's next to the White House. Met people from all over the nation: Alaska, Hawaii, Oregon, Washington, Long Beach, CA, Texas, Alabama, Florida (2 groups from Florida), South Carolina, Maryland, New York, and Mass. Met official people from the government from congressmen to people who work in the White House, to people who work for NOAA and the Ocean Commission put together by the President. It was fun! The weather got cold each day that passed from Tuesday to Saturday. Saturday our plane was delayed, sat in the airport for hours, then it started to snow as we boarded, had to deice, sat around in Phoenix, AZ's airport while we waited for our connecting flight, which we didn't get to fly into Monterey, but into San Jose, and had to drive an hour home, thus...we got home at 1am instead of the 9:20pm. Short summary!
For those that don't want to read a 2 1/2 page long summary, here's the short summary.
We did a presentation, listened to a lot of lectures, saw the National Aquarium in Baltimore, had dinner there also. Went to the National Geographic Center/Museum, had dinner there and saw the preview for the Crittercam, which is REALLY cool, airs on Nationa Geographic Channel at 8pm on Saturdays. We went to the Old Executive Office Building to do a presentation and meet some officials, it's next to the White House. Met people from all over the nation: Alaska, Hawaii, Oregon, Washington, Long Beach, CA, Texas, Alabama, Florida (2 groups from Florida), South Carolina, Maryland, New York, and Mass. Met official people from the government from congressmen to people who work in the White House, to people who work for NOAA and the Ocean Commission put together by the President. It was fun! The weather got cold each day that passed from Tuesday to Saturday. Saturday our plane was delayed, sat in the airport for hours, then it started to snow as we boarded, had to deice, sat around in Phoenix, AZ's airport while we waited for our connecting flight, which we didn't get to fly into Monterey, but into San Jose, and had to drive an hour home, thus...we got home at 1am instead of the 9:20pm. Short summary!
Saturday, January 10, 2004
3 days till I leave for Washington DC
Sorry I haven't updated in almost a week. I've been find of busy.
School started on Wednesday. I've stayed after school everday this week to work on the DC powerpoint. Wednesday 4pm, Thursday 5pm, Friday 4pm. I was also at school on Tuesday, the day before school started, for 3 hours working on the powerpoint also. It's been a crazy week.
I've found out I'll be missing abut 2 tests while I'm gone too! The shame of it all....We come back on Saturday from Washington DC also. My internship presentation day is March 10th too...LoL, I have 25 hours and I need 90 BEFORE then!
Am I cutting it REALLY close?! Yup...I gotta go in everyday of the week to be able to get enough hours done in time. Since I'm 18 now though, it'll make things MUCH easier! Hrm...Not much else is going on now. *shrugs* All for now!
Sorry I haven't updated in almost a week. I've been find of busy.
Friday, January 2, 2004
Hrm...if anyone knows Runescape ("RS") someone is selling a santa hat on ebay and the starting bid was $6.50. With 3 hours and 40 minutes left on the bidding, the new highest bid is....$1,125 in US dollars, and this person lives in Canada who's selling it. ISN'T that INSANE?! That's REAL US dollars for something that's VIRTUAL! They won't get ANYTHING from that's insanity...
10 days till I leave for Washington DC
Goodness...*gets excited* I leave for Washington in 10 days!!
I still got a lot of work ahead of me to do though....I'm gonna try and see if I can get my trip to DC to count for some of my hours towards my internship.
I'm contacting people at Fish and Game and stuff!!
I've been pretty..lazed around lately. I gotta sand and wash my hope chest so I can stain it soon. I also gotta get my dad to hang my beaded curtain. My weekend is lookin' full again. You know, I've been fairly busy this break. It's amazing. I have a break, but in sense, I don't... ;-P *shrugs* I start school Wednesday, but I have to go to the school on Monday for ROV club, and Tuesday for the DC thing. and then I gotta hit the hours for my internship.
Well, all for now!
Goodness...*gets excited* I leave for Washington in 10 days!!
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