For those that don't want to read a 2 1/2 page long summary, here's the short summary.
We did a presentation, listened to a lot of lectures, saw the National Aquarium in Baltimore, had dinner there also. Went to the National Geographic Center/Museum, had dinner there and saw the preview for the Crittercam, which is REALLY cool, airs on Nationa Geographic Channel at 8pm on Saturdays. We went to the Old Executive Office Building to do a presentation and meet some officials, it's next to the White House. Met people from all over the nation: Alaska, Hawaii, Oregon, Washington, Long Beach, CA, Texas, Alabama, Florida (2 groups from Florida), South Carolina, Maryland, New York, and Mass. Met official people from the government from congressmen to people who work in the White House, to people who work for NOAA and the Ocean Commission put together by the President. It was fun! The weather got cold each day that passed from Tuesday to Saturday. Saturday our plane was delayed, sat in the airport for hours, then it started to snow as we boarded, had to deice, sat around in Phoenix, AZ's airport while we waited for our connecting flight, which we didn't get to fly into Monterey, but into San Jose, and had to drive an hour home, thus...we got home at 1am instead of the 9:20pm. Short summary!
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