No!! What a sad day in horse racing for me! Halfbridled got scratched today in the Kentucky Oaks, which is the Derby for fillies! I'm SO bumbed...and THEN Wimbledon the horse I was hoping would WIN the Kentucky Derby was scratched ALSO today! The day BEFORE the Derby! I'm so bummed...I don't know who I want to win now...Oh well
On other news....I was inducted into the National Honor Society this last Wednesday. 28 people were inducted. For some reason 2 people didn't show up. I have an official membership card now. *rolls eyes*
This comin' Monday my friends are coming over and we're gonna watch Big Fish. Then on Wednesday I have my CSF induction and my academic excellence banquet. I get a chevron for the letter men's jacket, but as I don't have one, becuase I don't want one (I have a letter), it'll just go somewhere...
I've decided this week I'm gonna get a masters in marine science or bio (I really don't know the difference, but apparently there is?) and most likely a masters in law. I want to go into ocean policy and it would be a good plus to have a degree in law so I know what I'm talking about and in marine bio for the finer points, though, oceanography can do that too...*shrugs* Hey! There we go...the difference. Marine sciences is probably the combo of all different sciences related to the ocean, oceanography, bio, etc, and bio is just the physical stuff as in animals and junk. Interesting...Any ways, that's what my future schooling looks like, atm. I'm going to be in school for a LONG time...
We're in block scheduling right now in school, well, sometimes, it's all confusing, but any ways, so I have 3 classes a day instead of 6. I kind of like it more than the hour stuff, plus I get an extra day to do my homework, but I'm still debating. *shrugs* Graduation is coming up too! Finals are the Tues & Wed before Memorial Day weekend. Seniors get out of school a week and a half earlier than the rest of the school does. on Thursday after finals we head down to Magic Mountain for the day, go to The House of Blues at CA Adventures for dinner, and go to Disneyland after that till around 6am. Talk about a action packed filled 24 hours! So we return on a Friday, memorial weekend, then the last week of school which is our Senior week and we go out and do fun stuff like scavenger hunts, picnics, etc and then we graduate on the 4th of June!
Any ways, I must be off. This is long enough. All for now! Oh, btw, sorry to my on-line friends since I haven't been on much at all. I've been catching up on sleep and some other junk. Sowwies! There IS always e-mail! Love ya alls!