Sorry all! I've been INCREDIBLY busy during this last week...lack of sleep...getting ready for prom...getting 4 hours of sleep on Wednesday night to get up early to get my Disneyland ticket, etc, etc. Well...this week is OVER!!! *does a little dance* It's been fun, but I tired....I got 5 hours of sleep last night. Didn't go to get till after 4am and got up a bit after 9am.
Colin came for prom. It was fun seeing him and such. There's pics and junk. It was a long day, but lots of fun. We used the video camera and the digital camera. It was fun. I dunno, not much to say. LoL. We went to the Hyatt Regency in Monterey. It was EXTREMELY hot in the dumb building from all the people and then dancing? Oh constantly had to go out into the lobby to cool off. There were cops around too, watchin' what happened. And surprisingly...there weren't THAT many drunk people AT prom. Afterwards? People didn't go to sleep till PRETTY late.
This comin' weekend I have the MATE ROV Competition on Saturday and the aquarium on Sunday. I have chiropractor on Monday and Thursday, ROV on Monday, night class on Tuesday, and that's it! I think...
OHH!!! I got a $500 scholarship from the school through the local scholarships! It's a memorial scholarship from some person...I get the official letter later about which scholarship it is and etc. They (the school) had 27 scholarships and 49 people applied, only seniors applied. Apparently there were a lot of good things said about me...A combination of teachers, my application, administration, and etc make up the committe who do the choosing, and apparently there were some people that knew me!
All for now!
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