I might as well begin in the point of...I got promoted at work after a month or so. Been working as a Seller now for...about 2 weeks, I think. Time seems to be running away from me is all I have to say. So I get paid 50 cents more an hour than being a cashier. It's pretty fun. I walk a LOT more now because of customers and such and I know the store definitely better. I can take orders and such too. It's kind of interesting, but fun also.
That's all that's really been happening for me lately. I can't say much else interesting has been happening. School is going okay. I'm studying real calculus now, derivatives and such. Lab is going okay too, though sometimes it takes more than 2 hours to complete what he has for us to do. First year seminar (FYS) is going okay too. I'm getting to know the students better and I feel like I have "friends" now in that class. Calculus, I'm SLOWLY beginning to get to know people in my calc lab, not so much in my actual class though. Tech tools (CST) is also going all right. I am taking it independently, and I turned in my first 4 assignments today also. Took some time to figure out some things, getting picture sizes from MB to KB was interesting, but I got it done.
I think that's all that's going on for me. I'll update some other time I find the time, deem it important, or purely bored.
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