The bad news...I did TERRIBLE and I mean TERRIBLE on my ASL test. *sighs* I got nervous during the time when I "talked" with her. I mixed up "live" and "like." I caught myself, but I think I got marked off for it. PLUS, my brain blanked on the narrations when I had to sign one of my narrations. I SHOULD have done the chapter 14 one, but I didn't realize that's the one it was, so I did Chapter 16, which I did only about half of what the narration asked for. *rolls eyes* The ONLY good thing about my time with her was I did really well on the dialogue from the book. I knew it down pack. The written part of the exam, sucked. There was stuff on it that we've never gone over before, or at least I don't recall of it. To say the least, I'll be lucky if I get a C on the entire thing together. *shakes head* I'm going to be doing two extra credit assignments this weekend so I can make-up for my terrible exam today. I gotta start doing extra credit.
The good news...I got an 85% on my calc test! The class average was a 64% so I felt pretty good about that. I should have done better, but I made a few minor mistakes, and one problem I just didn't finish. I didn't realize he wanted us to simply the problem... :- Oh well. A solid B is good for me! I've done well on quizzes and homeworks and labs. So...if I do well on the final and the 2nd test I should get an A and that's my ultimate goal, also.
I'm working my tail off, right now (thought I took a minor break to write) for school. I've got a load of chem stuff I had to do. I, at least, don't have calc homework for this week. Heath had pity on us, but he's giving us a quiz on Thursday on the stuff we tested on just last week. I haven't gotten my Atmo grade back, yet, but I don't look foreward to that, either.
I am looking SO foreward to Spring Break, it's unbelievable. I just need to get through this semester with good grades, hopefully, with A's and I'm all good! I think I'll feel better when my math and language requirements are over with. Science classes will be till the end of my days at CSUMB, but math and language are something I can look foreward to completing. Two more semesters of ASL and 1 more semeseter of math (required). I'm not so sure, now, if I want to do a math minor...I'm thinking more of doing a marine and coastal ecology concentration and an emphases in policy (which is like a minor). I'll see. I still have to do STAT 250, I'll decide after that. It's 3 more semesters of math if I decide on the minor.
Hrm, I don't know if anything else has been going on besides school. It seems that's what my life revolves around to no-end now.
Any ways, all for now!
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