Gala/new pic/dress Link
So....Tonight...the gala...and Wednesday...CSUMB fundraiser...where to start, where to start.
Wednesday night:
Overall it went really well and I'd go again. The people I met were extremely nice and took me serious as a college student and valued my opinion and basically said by the end of the night I was very well mannered, held myself up with poise, and they were very impressed with how well I was able to articulate. One of the guys I met wrote a book, wanted to give me a copy of it, and wrote in it to me and said "with respect and admiration." Pretty good for 2 hours! More like 3, but it was over an hour of award recipients speaking and introductions of the recipients (each award recipient had someone introduce them that was a PAST award recipient and KNEW the current recipient personally. Their intros went anywhere from 2-3 minutes AND the award recipients on average went between 5-10 minutes and they were SUPPOSE to be 3 minutes! Talk about a bore...). I had an intellectual conversation with a guy at Driscoll's (sp?) strawberries about the ocean and supporting education of the oceans, another convo with him and a guy who works sat Alliance home something corp. about the type of internships students look for, and lastly with the guy who wrote the book about various things. I'd go again next year in a heartbeat! Some well named people in our community were there too. The Panettas who are well liked around here and was Clinton's chief of staff, I believe, Chef Curtino who co-founded the Sardine Factory and is on the Cannery Row Company board or something (world famous chef and NICE guy), and some other people.
The gala overall was fun. Things happened that don't involve me, but overall it was interesting. Case in point: Lauren and I went and got dessert. She got a plate of all the chocolate cake type, whatever, desserts, and I got a plate of all the fruit and drizzled chocolate over it. Lauren, back at our table, gets a piece of banana with chocolate on it and goes to take a bite, it falls off her fork! The banana fits the end of my dress, which is black (check the picture link above), splatters on her dress (which is mostly pink and some white), and LASTLY falls onto MY foot (which is in a strappy, black, sandal). The dresses weren't cool, mine seems to be fine (it's black), hers will live, and you really can't see the spots, but she felt bad, but it was cool. I had no issue with it...the FUNNY part...was my FOOT! It's covered in chocolate...we go to the bathroom to see to our dresses and I stick my foot into the sink (the aquarium has grown human height sinks and little kid height sinks, I put my foot into the little kid height sink) and washed my foot. Did you know that melted chocolate is pretty oily?! So yeah, that was FUNNY. Jack, well...I was suppose to go to the event on his ticket, but he couldn't come last, last minute because his parents had to go see a relative (or something) and he had to watch his sisters. He felt bad when I FINALLY got ahold of him and it seemed like he was bummed he couldn't go. I got in, though, the aquarium didn't even CHECK to see if I could or not...I had no issue getting in. I saw lots of people I knew too, which was cool. The food was like last year. It's not bad food, pretty good, dessert was good...dancing of course there was (I didn't, but lots of others did (I left early)). We were lucky, the group I was with, that we got a table! They did NOT have enough tables for everyone at the gala, it was unbelievable. People were sitting everywhere, it seemed. But again, overall it was a nice night.
So...that was my week, overall. There was some shocker news throughout the week too, but *shrugs* Life. Nothing life threatening or anything. Finals begin for me on Monday, May 9th with my ocean final being the first and that day I also have a chem exam. I gotta start studying!!
Hope everyone is well and for all of you that are OUT next week...You better be VERY sorry about it! For everyone else, hope finals go well (and for those who are finishing up).
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