Wednesday, August 24, 2005
I spent $212.81 on books, so far, this semester. I'm still missing one book. I can't remember if I ordered it from work...or if I couldn't or what...I just realized I'm missing it too...any ways...It's $233.73 less than I spent last semester! Yay for me! My first semester still holds the record of the least I spent, but...considering I only had 3 books that sem (1 txt book, answer guide book, and hardback non-fiction book) it's kind of hard to compare. I have to have 11 NEW books this semester, but I own one of them already so I've only had to buy 10 new books. The thing that REALLY my Chemistry book, with that included it makes 12 books total. But I get to use my chem book from last semester so I'm saving myself $154.
Well...for my chem class...the prof seems to be good. I've heard good things and bad things about her, so who knows what it's going to be like. She seems to be a bit more organized though. Though...I get a feeling her class is going to be a lot of "figure it out on your own" type. She's a geochemist so...who knows. She also talked for a HALF HOUR on nuclear weapons and radioactive stuff.. 
My health (HPWE) class isn't that bad. The prof told us in the beginning of the class that she's known to ramble on about stuff, but she always gets back to her main point.'s true! She started off on spirtual wellness (not specifically religon) and then ended on extra credit and picking up trash on the beach...yet, they all had to do with each other, but she just kind of took a long about way. *shrugs* To say the's gonna be my easiest class and probably somewhat boring.
So that was yesterday...
Today...I had a harsh day...I got a mole cut from my inner-thigh today. I have 6 stitches! So...I can't say I've never had stitches now. *shrugs* It hurts a little and tugs on my leg, but it's not bad. She cut it off because it looked a little irregular. I have one on my calve on the outside, but she didn't seem concerned. She numbed my leg and cut it out. I didn't even feel her cutting it at all...and when she finally cut it out and took it off I felt this blood running down my leg. It was interesting I guess.
I go in a week from this Friday to get the stitches removed and they should have the "lab work" on the mole back then too.
Whelps...all for now. I gotta go rest before I go to class.
My health (HPWE) class isn't that bad. The prof told us in the beginning of the class that she's known to ramble on about stuff, but she always gets back to her main point.'s true! She started off on spirtual wellness (not specifically religon) and then ended on extra credit and picking up trash on the beach...yet, they all had to do with each other, but she just kind of took a long about way. *shrugs* To say the's gonna be my easiest class and probably somewhat boring.
So that was yesterday...
Today...I had a harsh day...I got a mole cut from my inner-thigh today. I have 6 stitches! So...I can't say I've never had stitches now. *shrugs* It hurts a little and tugs on my leg, but it's not bad. She cut it off because it looked a little irregular. I have one on my calve on the outside, but she didn't seem concerned. She numbed my leg and cut it out. I didn't even feel her cutting it at all...and when she finally cut it out and took it off I felt this blood running down my leg. It was interesting I guess.
Whelps...all for now. I gotta go rest before I go to class.
Monday, August 22, 2005
Oh...quick reference to my classes and what I'm taking...
Total Units: 19
Monday: SBS (history and democratic participation), SL (service learning, community service and class discussions), ASL (American Sign Language, lvl 201 (3rd sem of ASL))
Tuesday: Chem 2, HPWE (general fitness/nutrition's all written, no activities)
Wednesday: SL, ASL (I have SBS this day, but it's on-line work)
Thursday: Chem 2
Friday: NOTHING, but work
Total Units: 19
Monday: SBS (history and democratic participation), SL (service learning, community service and class discussions), ASL (American Sign Language, lvl 201 (3rd sem of ASL))
Tuesday: Chem 2, HPWE (general fitness/nutrition's all written, no activities)
Wednesday: SL, ASL (I have SBS this day, but it's on-line work)
Thursday: Chem 2
Friday: NOTHING, but work
Whelps...I didn't get to switch my ASL classes
His 6pm is FULL. So...I'll have classes on M and W from 12-2, 2-4, and 6-8...Oh well...I guess. I'd rather have gone 6 hours in a row, but I can do homework and practice and such before class, which can be nice.
I'm pretty happy at Mo too. He's ORGANIZED and he's funny and he just seems to really want to make sure we understand him. It's such a relief after my last ASL prof. I'm kind of looking foreward to the semester with him now. I'm still a bit nervous about how much I know and don't know, but I think he'll really work with us to help us. So...I'm not as scared as I was yesterday or earlier today!
Tomorrow I have class from 10am-1pm, and 3:30-6:30pm. Funny...Monday I have 3 classes to attend, Tuesday 2 classes to attend, Wednesday 2 classes to attend, Thursday 1 class to attend, and Friday no classes to attend.
Like I said before, my SBS only meets once a week.
Any ways, that's all for now. I have homework to do!
I'm pretty happy at Mo too. He's ORGANIZED and he's funny and he just seems to really want to make sure we understand him. It's such a relief after my last ASL prof. I'm kind of looking foreward to the semester with him now. I'm still a bit nervous about how much I know and don't know, but I think he'll really work with us to help us. So...I'm not as scared as I was yesterday or earlier today!
Tomorrow I have class from 10am-1pm, and 3:30-6:30pm. Funny...Monday I have 3 classes to attend, Tuesday 2 classes to attend, Wednesday 2 classes to attend, Thursday 1 class to attend, and Friday no classes to attend.
Any ways, that's all for now. I have homework to do!
UGH!!! Reminder to self: Mondays and Wednesday bring a snack of some sort to eat. I'm HUNGRY, but I'm too lazy to walk all the way over to the middle of campus and all the way back here under an hour. So...thus...I sit in the "sitting area" of this building waiting for the class I want to add to start in a half hour, now. If I can't add this class then I'll go get some food on campus. I don't think I can go till 6pm on essentially a Boost all day, which is just a nutritional drink.
I have to say I'm really happy that I'm spending less money on books this year! The only really expensive book is my new Chem book, which I'm still trying to get out of having, but we'll see. I have to go back to work this week and pick up the books I ordered and a new book for my service learning class. I have to get _Guns, Germs, and Steel_ by Jared Diamond. I'm SO thankful I work at a bookstore...*shakes head*
My first two classes so far have gone well. My history (SBS 212) class should be interesting. The class is to be taught looking at different perspectives on history from 1900 to 2000. She's...kind of radical in her thinking. Basically assuming all of us college students does drugs, drinks, and has lots of sex. Also the assumption that we think history is a pointless class compared to math. Which, funny enough, everything she said that we don't do walking around in the world I sometimes do. So...proves to her that I'm NOT the average student. The nice thing about the class...Is Mondays we are in-class and Wednesdays is no class. Part of the class is on-line and part is face-to-face. I have to do two hours a week of on-line discussion stuff. That's not too bad. The bad thing...I have to spend some ACTUAL time with a civil rights group...I have to pick a civil rights group and spend some actual time helping them or whatever. It can't be "office work" it has to be actually doing weird is that? It's called...well...I forgot what's it's called, but it'll be interesting, none-the-less.
My other class, Service Learning (SL) 200S (disease & environment) shall also be interesting. It's basically some random class-time spent on biology, quizzes, etc and I ALSO have to do 30 hours for the semester of community service, if you wanna call it that. There's pre-ordained places, unfortunately. I'm kind of nervous on the 30 hours that I have to do and the places they have picked. The places are Natividad Hospital, Dorothy's Hospitality Suite, and 3 places that have to do with AIDS or needle exchange. To say the least, this class looks really interesting, but really time consuming.
I hate to say it, but I'm going to be SO happy when this semester is over. It looks like a lot of my classes are going to be time consuming and a LOT of reading. I mean, my SBS class has 5 required books for it. One of them we're only going to go through about half of it, but still! My SL class has one book, which isn't too bad. Of course there's Chemistry, which will be lots of studying time. My ASL class which will be hell on earth, unless I somehow really like Mo and don't kill myself. Lastly, there's my health (HPWE 161) class. Which looks really easy. Hopefully...I dunno...19 units and a lot of community service time, who knows what the heck is going to happen to me the rest of this semester. I'm just glad it's only one semester and not the whole year!
Whelps, for now...that's all. I'll update if I get into the 4pm ASL class or not or whatever else I learn about ASL...The one class I'm not looking foreward to taking.
I have to say I'm really happy that I'm spending less money on books this year! The only really expensive book is my new Chem book, which I'm still trying to get out of having, but we'll see. I have to go back to work this week and pick up the books I ordered and a new book for my service learning class. I have to get _Guns, Germs, and Steel_ by Jared Diamond. I'm SO thankful I work at a bookstore...*shakes head*
My first two classes so far have gone well. My history (SBS 212) class should be interesting. The class is to be taught looking at different perspectives on history from 1900 to 2000. She's...kind of radical in her thinking. Basically assuming all of us college students does drugs, drinks, and has lots of sex. Also the assumption that we think history is a pointless class compared to math. Which, funny enough, everything she said that we don't do walking around in the world I sometimes do. So...proves to her that I'm NOT the average student. The nice thing about the class...Is Mondays we are in-class and Wednesdays is no class. Part of the class is on-line and part is face-to-face. I have to do two hours a week of on-line discussion stuff. That's not too bad. The bad thing...I have to spend some ACTUAL time with a civil rights group...I have to pick a civil rights group and spend some actual time helping them or whatever. It can't be "office work" it has to be actually doing weird is that? It's called...well...I forgot what's it's called, but it'll be interesting, none-the-less.
My other class, Service Learning (SL) 200S (disease & environment) shall also be interesting. It's basically some random class-time spent on biology, quizzes, etc and I ALSO have to do 30 hours for the semester of community service, if you wanna call it that. There's pre-ordained places, unfortunately. I'm kind of nervous on the 30 hours that I have to do and the places they have picked. The places are Natividad Hospital, Dorothy's Hospitality Suite, and 3 places that have to do with AIDS or needle exchange. To say the least, this class looks really interesting, but really time consuming.
I hate to say it, but I'm going to be SO happy when this semester is over. It looks like a lot of my classes are going to be time consuming and a LOT of reading. I mean, my SBS class has 5 required books for it. One of them we're only going to go through about half of it, but still! My SL class has one book, which isn't too bad. Of course there's Chemistry, which will be lots of studying time. My ASL class which will be hell on earth, unless I somehow really like Mo and don't kill myself. Lastly, there's my health (HPWE 161) class. Which looks really easy. Hopefully...I dunno...19 units and a lot of community service time, who knows what the heck is going to happen to me the rest of this semester. I'm just glad it's only one semester and not the whole year!
Whelps, for now...that's all. I'll update if I get into the 4pm ASL class or not or whatever else I learn about ASL...The one class I'm not looking foreward to taking.
Sunday, August 7, 2005
Happy August!
School starts two weeks from tomorrow...
I need to get my new books and to sell back my old ones, which I haven't done...yet...
I am NOT looking forward to starting school again. I don't know why, but I'm not. If I had to guess why I think it's ASL. I'm just tired of taking a foreign language for school. *sighs* I think it's also effected from my teacher last semester. Oh well. I think I also just want OUT of college. I guess that kind of happens for any level of school. You just want done with that level to move to the next one. 
I attended a family wedding yesterday down in San Diego. We went to my grandparents on Wednesday in Anaheim. I read 5 books from Wed-today and I started a new one today that I'm 100+ pages into. I just lounged around the house all day long. Didn't even go into the pool because I was so lazy! The wedding on Saturday was good and it was nice to see family and such.
Not much else is really happening. I'm still working full-time at work. Everything has been pretty good overall. Write more when something interesting happens.
School starts two weeks from tomorrow...
I attended a family wedding yesterday down in San Diego. We went to my grandparents on Wednesday in Anaheim. I read 5 books from Wed-today and I started a new one today that I'm 100+ pages into. I just lounged around the house all day long. Didn't even go into the pool because I was so lazy! The wedding on Saturday was good and it was nice to see family and such.
Not much else is really happening. I'm still working full-time at work. Everything has been pretty good overall. Write more when something interesting happens.
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