Wednesday, August 24, 2005

Well...for my chem class...the prof seems to be good. I've heard good things and bad things about her, so who knows what it's going to be like. She seems to be a bit more organized though. Though...I get a feeling her class is going to be a lot of "figure it out on your own" type. She's a geochemist so...who knows. She also talked for a HALF HOUR on nuclear weapons and radioactive stuff..

My health (HPWE) class isn't that bad. The prof told us in the beginning of the class that she's known to ramble on about stuff, but she always gets back to her main point.'s true! She started off on spirtual wellness (not specifically religon) and then ended on extra credit and picking up trash on the beach...yet, they all had to do with each other, but she just kind of took a long about way. *shrugs* To say the's gonna be my easiest class and probably somewhat boring.

So that was yesterday...

Today...I had a harsh day...I got a mole cut from my inner-thigh today. I have 6 stitches! So...I can't say I've never had stitches now. *shrugs* It hurts a little and tugs on my leg, but it's not bad. She cut it off because it looked a little irregular. I have one on my calve on the outside, but she didn't seem concerned. She numbed my leg and cut it out. I didn't even feel her cutting it at all...and when she finally cut it out and took it off I felt this blood running down my leg. It was interesting I guess. I go in a week from this Friday to get the stitches removed and they should have the "lab work" on the mole back then too.

Whelps...all for now. I gotta go rest before I go to class.

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