Happy end of September! (since I forgot to say Happy September...

My update...well...school is going...I'm swamped in assignments and projects that are coming up this week. It's a pain. I have a project due a week from this Tuesday. And another one due 2 weeks from tomorrow and another one due 2 weeks from this Thursday. I'm...slowly getting behind.

I have my first chem test this Tuesday...*sighs* It's just been crazy for me. Going into my 5th week, though. My, how time flies...
On top of school...I got sick!

Two weeks ago tomorrow I came down in a small cold. No one could tell I had a cold, but I just felt slow and like I had a cold. Had a small sore throat, sniffling, stuffy head, not much. It went away by last Sunday and I felt fine that. Well, Mon night or Tuesday I got that sore throat back again! And it came back with a VENGENCE! It's a sore throat I've never felt before. It hurt to swallow or eat. My mom looked at my tonsils on Thursday afternoon and told me my tonsils were really swollen and they had white patches on them. I could tell by looking at my throat in the car that they were swollen and that's saying something because I can never tell usually.

I felt yucky still on Friday so she basically said you're going into the doctor today. Called and got me an appointment at 2:50pm, which wasn't a GOOD time because I had work at 3pm, but my boss basically waived me being late because I was going to the doctors. I saw the doctor and explained what was wrong. So she went to go get one of those wooden spoon type things to help hold my tongue down and got a light. She didn't have to look long. When she looked at me she looked kind of startled. She's all "I didn't even need this (the wood thing)" and then said "well, I can understand why you're having trouble eating!" She said that my right tonsil had a bacterial build-up on it and they were splotchy. She wanted to do a strep test to see if I had strep throat. She did and I was negative on the test so she gave me antibiotics, a solution to gargle (it's part lidocain (sp?) to help numb the pain), and 600mg motrin to help with the swelling and pain. Now, I must say, that over-the-counter motrin is 200mg and you can't exceed 6 pills in 24 hours. I have to take a 600mg motrin every 6 hours! I also have to take an antibiotic every 12 hours. It's been loads of fun. I've been waking myself up at 6:30-40am to take my antibiotic and motrin. I get a little funny feeling from the motrin, but it's hardly even noticeable. So...yes...feel sorry for me! It hurts to eat, talk, and drink. I've come to the conclusion...warm/cold/plain liquids (i.e. water/hot water) and popsicles are my best friends! Anything solid such as hard bread, taco shells, big pieces of food swallowed aren't fun. I have to chew everything to a pulp or it hurts going down. I have a new found sympathy for people with strep throat...! Or my brother when he had his tonsils out!
Oh! On Thursday I went into the eye doctor. I'm getting new glasses. They're not frameless. They have a frame on the top, none on the bottom, but it's like a light gold and they're more oval or smaller in general than my glasses now. They're Vera Wang too...LoL. *rolls eyes* It's going to be like night and day compared to my glasses now. The doctor said that my eyes moved up a whole new strength. My eyes are gonna hurt some when I get them, though, but I'll be too happy to see! I'll be able to read the boards at school without squinting! I'm excited...!
So, yeah, I'm being the expensive child this year. Mole removed, orthodics, new glasses, my whole throat thing. All I need to do is go see the dentist and hope no cavities! That'll be some other time though. To think, all this and I'm not even 20, yet...I'm fallin' apart!
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