The picture below is the Mugglenet fan art contest winner (Sharon Young) and I absolutely love this picture.
This one is the runner-up winner (Sarah Sheehan) of the same contest. Another great picture!
If only I could draw as well as these two people...
As for school...nothing really new. I haven't decided what to do about the math minor. I have a few more months to decide, though. As for last week (my CRAZY week), I survived! About died by the end of it though. Still haven't gotten ANY grades for what I did last week, though. I dunno...maybe I don't want to know...We're getting to the point in Sign Language where we're starting to make-up a lot of our own stories and such. Scares the dickens out of me because I'm NOT good in making up SHORT stories especially in another language! I just hope my next one is better...
Work is going good. We're getting ready for Christmas, yes, already. Tomorrow the Christmas decorations are going up! We're promoting Robert Sabuda's newest pop-up book. He's an AMAZING pop-up illustrator/designer, but our store is going to look like you walked into some white/glittery fairy book or something. We have all these 3-D designs and stuff that are going up all over the store. 3-D snow flakes, 3-D snowman that has something move on him, 3-D doved "popping" out of a sign, 3-D penguins ice skating, etc. It'll be interesting. Our GM wants to start the Christmas music now too. *cringes* I have no love for Christmas music now...after you hear it for 2 months...Let's hope we can get her to put it off for a few more weeks. I dunno, though. Christmas books and music have already come into the store. Oh well, I suppose.
Well, must go off and do some homework. Laters
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