Happy end of November! Or 1st of December (depending on your time zone).
The countdowns begin...
12/13 days left of school
21 days till my 20th birthday
25 days till Christmas
The 12/13 days of school depends on when I take my finals. I either will be done with finals on Monday December 12th or Tuesday December 13th. There's a rumor that my Chem teacher might let us take our final a day early. Also, if I get to do my ASL exit dialogue on Monday or Tuesday. Come to think of it, I don't even know if I have a final in my HPWE class...*shrugs* If I did, that'd also be Tuesday. So who knows. I'll find out next week (end of) if I get out Monday or Tuesday.
Okay, to update on my end of the semester. I survived this week. I worked my butt off for two days on Thanksgiving break. Now I've gotta somehow work out all my assignments for next week and work 2.25 days. I have a two-hour meeting on Sunday night along with my normal hours at work.
What I have due next week:
Monday - Democratic Participation Paper (SBS), Book review essay (SBS), Demo #4 (ASL), Journal 9 essay (SL)
Tuesday - Wellness Plan Paper (HPWE), Chem lab (Chem)
Wednesday - Bird 9 (ASL), Mask of Benevolence discussion (ASL), On-line portfolio (SBS), Dorothy's Presentation (SL)
Thursday - Lab? (Chem)
Friday - Mask of Benevolence iMovie (ASL)
I have a ton of projects and such and have I really started working on ANY of them? Nah. Starting to write my Wellness Plan Paper and Democratic Participation Paper (DPP). I don't need to do any reading or a whole lot of thinking on my wellness plan paper. My DPP takes a bit of research for, but it's mostly free form too. What's next worrying me is my iMovie for ASL. I have yet to finish the reading for it...Also my book review for SBS. The SBS one is easier though. I have to make 4 comments on the reading and 5 questions. I can kind of fib around on it.

The only assignments that aren't such a BIG deal to me is my chem lab and KIND of my SL journal 9. Everything else is either a "final" or HUGE part of my grade. Kind of scares me.
Any ways, off to work on homework.