So...I went to go register for my classes tonight since today is the first day I can register, well! My ASL 202 class, my LAST semester of ASL, it's FULL. I checked like a week or two ago and there were 3 people registered for it. Now it's a full 30. I'm SO upset! I can't believe this! I'm going to have to check daily and like twice or trice a day now to wait for someone to drop and a spot opens up. I'm fairly sure a spot will open. There's a few months till Spring starts.
On other register notices, I decided to drop my Nature Photography class and take Calc III (Multivariable Calc). I decided just to go for it. I can take my art almost anywhere and anytime. I wasn't very partial to this particular class too. So next semster I'm HOPING to take ASL 202, Bio I and Lab, Stat 250, and Calc III. That'll be a solid 16 units. I was thinking of just going for the 20 units and doing Nature Photography, but I dunno if I can handle another 19-20 unit this semester. 2 math classes, bio, ASL 202, and photography just don't strike my fancy. I'm probably going to go for a 20 unit in the fall of 06, though. Gotta challenge somewhere and after a nice calm 16 and a summer I should be ready then.
On totally different news, I've seen Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire twice now! Saw it at 12:01am on Friday and 1pm on Sunday. Excellent the first time and 2nd time I saw it. Now I'm waiting for Narnia to come out!
Think that's all for now!
1 comment:
Yeah, I guess we really need to see that movie before Thursday, huh? (I think we're going Wednesday night).
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