Wednesday, January 4, 2006

Happy January!

So I haven't updated in a while. My Christmas was wonderful. It was loads of fun and I got some pretty cool things.

This is what I got for Christmas: Harry Potter “Knight Bus” t-shirt, another shirt, 2 books, gift card to Borders, toe socks, calendar set, cloth luggage bag and mini backpack set, PSP, PJs, travel cosmetic/shampoo/etc thing, horse bookends (nice ones!), Cinderella and Felicity DVD, Narnia soundtrack, Harry Potter Quidditch dice game, and some other things.

New Years was well low-key. I worked from 9am to 5pm, came home and worked on my room (I'm doing a thorough cleaning) and went downstairs like 15 minutes before midnight to see what was on TV and such. That was about it. I've been really tired so I didn't really want to do more than that any ways.

As for my semester grades...I just got them today!

Chem lecture: A+
Chem lab: A+


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