Saturday, March 25, 2006

Sometimes change is HARD! I wanted to change my picture, but they've changed things and I have NO clue how now. What a bummer, oh well. I'll figure it out eventually!

Spring Break ends... I have to go back to school on Monday, it's a bummer. I didn't get a whole lot done this Spring Break, but oh well. I did write my ASL demo, though. I just need to figure out how to make it longer and end it. I covered everything he wanted! I do have to go in on his office hours on Monday to have him show me some signs. I'm not sure how to portray some of the things I want. *shrugs*

I figured out on Friday while I was hanging out with Tori at lunch that I'd take her to the Spring Gala at the Aquarium in mid-May! There wasn't anyone else I could really think to take that would be able to hang out with my aquarium friends and not feel left out. Three of us from the aquarium were already fighting over who'd get Jack as a date! The poor guy...15 (16 in May) and he has (or had) 3 college girls fighting over him. It was fun and amusing. He WAS suppose to go with me last year, but things happened on his end and he couldn't go. I was able to get in at least. Tori will be fun, though! She's fun and knows a few of the people at the aquarium I hang out with. So she won't feel left out.

The Harry Potter reading is going well. (For those that don't know -- I'm doing a 6 week, 3 chapters a week read of _Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone_ on a forum.) I'm completely getting addicted to the forum, but I still don't like the fact I can miss a day and come back to a few new pages of posts...It's kind of a bummer and such when you have to catch up. It's also fun, though, because you can keep up on everything and you don't miss any of the jokes (as long as you don't get into REALLY high numbers of new pages). I guess it has its ups and downs. I still prefer live chatting, though.

Well, I think that is all for now. It's late (1:33am) and I should head to bed since I have church in the morning.


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