Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Is it over yet?

It's a quarter till 2am right now as I right this. My final capstone assessment is DUE in...*counts*...about 18 hours. I'm feeling pretty good about my capstone and actually not feeling rushed to the last possible minute.

I've gone through all the prelim edits from everyone whose read my capstone. Those took a few hours. I'm moving around the order of my capstone now. Once I do that...I've got a list of things I need to do.
  • Fix last paragraph in abstract
  • Add "systems approach" to intro (worded and then appendix actual diagram)
  • Make clearer my accomplishments and limitations through my paper so others know where to make this paper have statistically significant results (Judy sort of did that for me in my conclusion, but the rest of the paper needs a bit of work)
  • Move methods part from intro to beginning of methods (debating that move)
  • Start with research questions/hypotheses at the beginning of methods (debating that)
  • Write an intro to my results and discussion section
  • Check tense of results
  • Eliminate first-person writing (wherever I have it left)
  • Read over results/discussion sections to make sure they flow and don't repeat too much
Yup, that's my list. I also realized (I almost forgot about this) that the LAST Academic Planning Committee meeting is tomorrow from 12-2pm. Ugh. There goes 2 hours of potential writing!

Once my capstone is in...I have to write my marine cons lit review (last one!), study for my grad class quiz on Thurs, start writing my marine cons paper (due on Tues), and create my marine cons pres (for Tues). That's what I have to do in a week. After that...I need to create my capstone pres (need it in 1.5 weeks), do my physics demo/paper, study for finals, and get through my last two physics hws and quizzes.

Is that seriously all I have left? Wow...I also need to sleep, eat, get better, and address my grad announcements.

Okay...Time to finish this capstone junk for tonight and SLEEP!

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