We went to Panera for breakfast and came back and went and got our stuff from registration. We have Terminus t-shirts now and the program and our name badges. Afterwards we went to the Vendor Room and looked around. It almost looks like Whimsic Alley brought half the store! LoL They take up the entire back end of the vendor room. There are a ton of wands, robes, band t-shirts, and so forth available. After that a ton of staff went to get lunch at Kitty O'Sheas. Haley bought some bumper stickers and was at the room for a little (she also had a volunteer meeting to attend, but the Leaky thing this afternoon was staff only). I met up with some of the staff at Kitty O'Sheas a bit later and went with a few of them for a grocery run before the Leaky party.
After getting the groceries we had gone back to the floor with the suite (25th floor) and people were hanging out in the floor lobby. MTV was still interviewing Melissa, John, Andrew, and whoever the 4th person was so we were just waiting till they were finished. Once they were finished it was a bunch of hanging out for about 3 or so hours. It was nice just being the Leaky crew. We all sang the TLC song twice (clean version for MTV and not clean version before they came back). Then it was just a bunch of mingling and munching while MTV went around to the different groups and talked to us. They actually interviewed me! Laurie (LJ), Megan, Melissa (mlwl), and I ended up answering 3 questions: how is Twilight different than HP fandom, where do we think DH should split for the two movies, and what's LeakyCon. I think they liked us a lot because we were in a closed room and it was just the 4 of us, whereas before they had a HUGE group and it was kind of nuts for them. We'll see if they use any of the footage.
We all went down for the Welcome Feast and found our houses to walk into the conference room with each other. It was kind of funny because the 4 houses were basically lined up on the first floor and on the 2nd floor (stairs leading up from the lobby to the 2nd floor) and so you could see all 4 houses. We started the whole "Kohilo, Kohilo" or "Brubu Rocks" or whatever house you were in. It was NUTS! The ENTIRE lobby was PACKED with Potter fans. There was almost no way for people get past. LoL That poor hotel must be regretting us being around. I also found out there's an AVID conference at the hotel too. So, basically, there's 3 conferences. The National Convention on Gospel and Choir Music have been pretty nice, though we seem to be competing with them for space the most.
Anyway, once at the dinner it was a buffet dinner of all sorts of food, but it took FOREVER to get your food because there's like 1500 people who signed up and all that. Then there was some speeches (each head of house, the head of Aeolian, and the conference coordinator). It was SO hard to hear anyone, though! It was really bad. Brian of Draco and the Malfoys got a TON of love when he got up to talk and he turned BRIGHT red when everyone started cheering for him while his bio was being red. We thought Sue got lots of love, but Brian's was MASSIVE! Anyway, we all said the sound system was horrible and then all the houses tried to do various things together and we got told to stop and to be quiet. *rolls eye* HELLO we're at a conference and we WERE being pretty darn quite, but they kept yelling at us to be quiet because the Gospel group was below us. We all laughed at that, though, because we could hear their music in our conference room!
After the dinner we all went back to the Leaky Suite to hang out some more. Actually, we went to the Leaky Suite and I ended up leaving to go on a liquor run and THEN I came back. LoL It was weird caring a case of beer through the hotel and on the streets of Chicago, especially since I don't drink. :P I left early from the suite, though, because it was getting really crowded in their with the wrockers and I'm just REALLY tired. With wreggies tomorrow and everything else...I'd rather sleep right now. We'll see if I can sleep, though. There's a party going on in the room across from ours and knocking and doors opening and closing keeps happening every 10 minutes. There's got to be like 20-30 people (easily) in a room the same size as ours. It's really nuts.
Oh...I almost forgot to say! When we were getting our registration stuff, I was standing outside the room waiting for Haley. A girl comes up to me and says, "oh my gosh! I love your shirt! Where'd you get it?" and kept going on and then she said, "can I take a picture of you?" If she took it with me, I could officially say I got fangirl'd. LoL Actually, I had a lot of people tell me they liked my shirt and a few people asked where I got it or that'd be a shirt they'd actually buy. Frak said he has the coaster of my shirt and his parents got it for him. I asked where they got it and he said Monterey. I told him I live there and we high fived. It was rather funny. LoL
Tomorrow is *thinks really hard* John Green's book signing and wreggies. I have NO clue what else we're doing since John Green takes up most of the afternoon (1:30-4:30pm). Wreggies starts at 10pm, I think. Not sure what else we're doing, though. I haven't even looked at the program yet. :doh:
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