Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Grad school roomie and apartment

I got my room assignment and roommate last week! My roommate is also a first year MESM student, which I'm very thankful for. It'll be nice to know someone immediately and understand a little of what I'm going through. I've found from CSUMB that rommates in different majors didn't always understand what ESSP students were going through with their workload and all that. So this will be nice.

I have my address for my apartment now and it's kind of weird, but I have one address for USPS mail and another for UPS, DHL, FedEx, and other independent carriers. Kind of weird...Must be how the city lines are drawn. My USPS address is in Santa Barbara, whereas my independent carrier address is in Goleta. The street number and apartment number are the same, just the cities and zips are different.

Other than that, there's a lot of e-mails bouncing around between MESM students, which is kind of nice. It seems like we're all going to get along really well. So I'm glad and excited about that.

My first registration pass starts at 3:45pm on Sept the 3rd. So I have to register ASAP to get the class times I want (we all get into the classes we want, just the times are different for labs). Most importantly, other than the times I want (I've already mapped out the times I want...LoL), I can't get my financial aid till I register for classes! My apartment fees and first rent is due the 15th of Sept and, though I'll get the money back, I'd rather get it deducted immediately from my financial aid rather than my pocket and then have to wait to get reimbursed.

I'm starting to look at textbooks on-line (the recommended ones to look over and one class's required texts) and I'm also going to need to start some writing exercises or something. My writing has deteriorated over the last year and the last thing I really want to do in the winter quarter is the writing workshop (I'm doing the no-credit calc and statistics workshops this fall quarter ON TOP of my 15 class units...).

My last day at Borders is the 31st of August. My last day at the Aquarium is the 30 of August. My shift is going to go out to dinner after shift on the 30th to have a "going away" dinner for me and for another shiftmate who is leaving for St. Andrews in Scotland for college! No clue about work, but I have another week before I leave to hang out with them.

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