Thursday, September 9, 2010

My snail's radula: a video

I filmed my snail at the top of my tank last night and uploaded it to YouTube. You can see the radula moving (tongue with teeth -- sort of), which is pretty cool. The snail also eats a piece of fish food a little more than a minute into the video. Unfortunately, YouTube downgraded the quality so it's not as easy to see, but the video is still cool all the same. Or I think so at least. :P No music so excuse my sigh/excess noise.

Link to what a radula is:

Some snails CAN eat other things that are not plant related, FYI. Apparently my snail is one of those since it likes to each the fish flakes. My mini snails I think only eat algae.

Still need to post about the boat, which I'll do later. If I remember...

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