*Pinches self* Did I really make it through a 7-day work week?! Really?! I seem to be here and not in a zombie state. I didn't maim, kill, throttle, or yell at anyone either. Huzzah! Granted, that doesn't mean *I* wasn't yelled at during the week, but at least I wasn't maimed, killed, or throttled.
I must say that working 7 days really isn't as bad as it sounds. Sure, no one in their right mind would work more than 5 if they could help it and, yes, I would rather work 6 over 7, but, mentally, by the time you get to 7-days, it sort of like "Eh. Okay." I find working 6, sometimes, is far worse mentally because it's just one extra day of work and you start to wind down on your 5th, as you normally would, so the 6th day is horrible to get through. When you work 7 (according to myself), you keep yourself going and never let yourself wind down because you know you have TWO extra days to get through. It's why I think I'm here blogging instead of passing out on my bed. Course, I may not be passing out because my body is really messed up with all the open/close repetition I had all week. It wasn't as hard as I thought it would be, but it still wasn't enjoyable and I feel a little off in my sleep/normal pattern.
Anyway, work itself wasn't too bad. I did feel like I was in the office a lot my last 2 days, but it wasn't all bad. The help that came in was very helpful, but one of our problem customers did cause us problems and I got yelled at in Farsi. That was fun. I had to threatened to call the cops too. Yeah. That was my Wednesday night and my Thursday (day 7) morning was involved with trying to come up with ways to communicate with her. I feel like we had some major breakthroughs, though. Then, on top of all that, today we had furniture after furniture donation and that means I have to price and put them out and we had a call out almost everyday and...*sigh* I'm glad it's finished! My only worry is that I had to deal with today like I was leaving the kids alone for 2 days. Only one Lead is left for the next two days and a Lead from another store. I had to make sure our Lead knew what to do for different situations and how to do some other things. Not to mention I had to show where phone numbers were in case something happened. Crazy, I tell you, crazy! Anyway, glad that's over with...I think. I still have that feeling of leaving the kids alone for 2 days...!
Life goes on...And what do I do to unwind? Catch up on my nail stuff! The indie polishes are making some awfully cute holiday polishes. Going to have to be careful what I want to buy and really recheck what I buy so I don't buy everything! I will say, though, that there are two things that nail polish has really made me aware of this past year: New York Fashion Week and Colors/Causes-Awareness Days. NYFW is especially popular with all the nail brands as they tend to do polishes for them. Zoya, in particular, tends to work with a fashion designer to make custom polishes. Some other brands lend their polishes for the runway and others bring new collections to showcase. Nail polish is a part of the make-up/fashion world! The bloggers really like to do blogger challenges and so on awareness/cause days, they all blog about the issue and do nail art or pick colors that coordinate. November 14th is World Diabetes Day (color for that is blue). November 8th was No H8 (anti-bullying and tolerance and tended towards purple). Of course Oct was Breast Cancer Awareness (lots of pink!). There's also Autism awareness (is that gray?) and lots of others. Who'd of thought nail polish would teach me about these different causes and their days to bring awareness of them.
With that...Movie!
Watched Moonrise Kingdom. It has an interesting adult cast (Bruce Willis, Billy Murray, Tilda Swinton, etc), but it's really about the two young stars. I'm still sort of baffled by the point of the movie, but I'm sure it has something to do about love and innocence...The two young stars end up running away with each other and are in love with each other. The town ends up running around trying to find them (they're 12 years old) and you find out they each have a sort of misunderstood persona about them. Their families and friends don't truly get them and they sometimes tend towards violence. They actually have a lot in common. I liked the feel of the film (set in the 1960's) and I enjoyed the acting. It's definitely a quirky independent film, but I liked it. I don't think it would be for everyone, though. There's something touching to see these two young people eloping (basically) and trying to be together while all these adults around them find it irrational and unaccepting. The kids don't see what's the problem since they're in love and simply want to be together. It's an unassuming film with its quirkiness, sometimes dry-quirky humor, and excellent pacing. I enjoyed it, but it's definitely not for everyone. Grade: B
And now...I think I'll get back to reading. I've finished 2 books this week! I'm on to my 3rd. This does mean my TV shows have taken quite a hit, especially when I was gone in SoCal for 5 days. I have so many episodes to watch, I think I'll just wait till the winter break to catch up or something...
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