I hope everyone had a good Turkey Day! Mine was good. I actually didn't eat too much this year to the point I was stuffed...
Friday, November 28, 2003
I hope everyone had a good Turkey Day! Mine was good. I actually didn't eat too much this year to the point I was stuffed...
Wednesday, November 26, 2003
Man, it's been a while since I've updated...I've been extremely busy here, and I got sick again.
Well, I hope everyone has a GOOD Thanksgiving and forgive me for not updating in 8 days, I've just been WAY too busy. I come home around 8:30pm M, T, Th, and Sun. Wed at 5pm. Oh, don't eat TOO much on Thanksgiving!
Tuesday, November 18, 2003
ASL tonight. I have a physics test Thurs, an ASL test Thurs, two English quizzes on Thurs, and a Civics 30 pt quiz on Thurs. Talk about a FULL Thursday. I have a math test Tuesday. I'm goin' to Anaheim for Thanksgivin' too. Leave Wednesday and return Sat night, have the aquarium that weekend too. But that is over a week away! This weekend I have hardly ANYTHING to do, for once, and one of the final weekends for a while.
Winterball is Dec 6th and rapidly comin' up. My friend and I would rather not go, but two of my other friends want to go. It's the whole thing of dressing up. Plus one friend already bought a dress. I suggested we dress up, go out to eat somewhere pretty nice, go to a movie (dressed up), and then go to Denny's late at night (still dressed up). Winterball just ain't all that much, besides taking formal pictures. *shrugs* It'll cost $20 to go for one person to go dance for 3+ hours hours while you're all dressed up and take nice pictures. I dunno, doesn't seem worth it to me. A LOT of my other friends want me to go, but if I don't have a date, what's the point? I've been given...uh..."recommendations" in who to go with, but *rolls eyes* I just don't want to bother with it; if someone wants to go they gotta ask me or my friends have to force me into going, me and Jamie are both the same way. We're either/or, but if I go I'd have to get a dress and all, and we'd rather just hang out. I don't care if it's my Senior year and I "HAVE" to go. I'll go to prom, so why does it MATTER?! We shall see how things evolve over time!
Oh, there's this article in the newspaper too about our football game. Apparently they ended it with 1:05minutes left on the clock because it was beginning to be too unsportsmanship-like. Apparently people started crowding the fields, the football players didn't shake hands afterwards either, and a lot of other stuff. :- Guess rivalry went a bit too far this time. *shrugs* I left early and I truly don't care for the whole rivalry thing. It's just fun to tease!
Monday, November 17, 2003
Thursday, November 13, 2003
Sunday: I went and saw Matrix Revolutions, which was okay, in my opinion. I wasn't "wow'd" to say the least. The only thing I found cool was when Neo punched Mr. Smith, or whatever his name is, at the end. I thought the fight scenes in the city was TOO long, the ending was pretty corny comparing Neo to a Christ-like-figure (English has made me notice these things!), and the rest was okay, I suppose. Reloaded I liked because of all the cool special effects, such as the Twins, the story plot in both was pretty stupid, though I think there was more of a plot in Revolutions then Reloaded. So that is MY opinion of Matrix; those two brothers should NOT do another movie anywhere near like the Matrix in plot, also.
Monday: It was a minimum day at school and I still wasn't feeling all the way better so I stayed home, which many people did. I'm glad I didn't go to school; I didn't miss anything of importance. Kristi and I ran around doing errands from around 10:30am-1:30pm, about.
Tuesday: Vetran's day so no school. My mom and I went and ran errands (she came home Monday night), mainly for myself for beading. I needed to go to the bead store on Cannery Row, Monterey, to get some new nice beads. A pendant, crystals, etc. I ended up spending around $70 there, but the lady gave us a discount so we ended up paying $63, which was DEFINITELY fine with me.
Wednesday: School....Slow, fast, whatever. I found out I definitely didn't miss anything, but I DID find out some cool news. I got a 96 on my physics test, which I only missed 4 points because I CROSSED out a right answer and put a wrong one, go figure, but I DID get a right answer from SIMPLY guessing, and in physics that's nearly impossible to do! There were 16 multiple choice questions and such, and one question our teacher wrote, and the one our teacher wrote (with NO choices) I got right. I guessed 3.0m/s, and in physics, hardly anything comes out even like that, and the correct answer was 3.17m/s! He let me have the 6 points for being only .17m/s off!
Thursday: We had our powderpuff game today. SENIORS WON! SENIORS!! C/O 2004! Any ways, Seniors won. We have our homecoming game tomorrow night against our rival school, Seaside. It's a home game. I don't hope to win, but I at least hope Seaside isn't in the playoffs!
All for now, since this is SO long!
Saturday, November 8, 2003
Wednesday, November 5, 2003
Monday, November 3, 2003
I'm getting sick. *sighs* Let's hope it stops at this point. Bad sore throat, head's foggy, no energy, nose running, but no coughing or sneezing or anything. It's gettin' COLD here too...suppose to be frost tonight. With the frost and rain on Friday and some rain today, it feels like fall, but that means SICK SEASON! A lot of people are getting randomly sick. *shrugs* Oh well. Next week will be a NICE week. Minimum day on Monday so I get out at noon, and no school on Tuesday.
Well, I must go. Wanna get to bed early and such. Hasta
Sunday, November 2, 2003
Aquarium today was okay. Wasn't boring, wasn't busy, just slow. *Shrugs* Not much else. I gotta study for my civics quiz, which should be test, that is tomorrow. I know MOST of the amendments, but there's a few I'm not sure of. I also have this stupid English grammar thing to do too. I don't get how we're gonna get done with all the grammar teams if there's 10 of them and we have only 9 weeks in this quarter, really only 8 weeks. Last week is finals. *shrugs* Who knows...Least I know when to underline and when to put quotes around something.
Any ways, all for now!