Happy Thanksgiving!
Man, it's been a while since I've updated...I've been extremely busy here, and I got sick again.

I'm down here in Anaheim for Thanksgiving to spend Thanksgiving with my grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins, 1 brother and his wife, and etc, etc.

My life is just getting more busy with the newest addition of me teaching a bunch of little kids how to sign a song now for a Christmas performance thingy. So Mondays I'm REALLY booked now, lunch is gone with Ocean Summit meetings, I go straight from school to Fish and Game go straight from Fish and Game to the rehersal for the kids, then I go back to the school for ROV meetings and such. It's almost a nightmare! I just can't wait until after Christmas. My life will lose a lot of things and I may even get bored with all the time I have, WHAT A NOVELTY! But by the end of January by life picks back up, somewhat, with another night class and such. I just have 3 weeks of school left. 1 week of finals and 2 weeks of normal classes! Just 3 weeks!! I can handle 21days, I hope. My birthday is coming up! The count down begins! December 21st I am turning 18! I'm going to be legal...Isn't that scary?! I get to vote in March....LoL. I'm bummed I can't register to vote to get extra credit in Civics though. I have a 108% in the class....And I'm worried I'm gonna drop below a 100% before the quarter is over. Quite frankly...I'm 23% over an A though. His grade curve is an 85% and up is an A, which is nice because a lot of people aren't doing well in the class, but I just happen to have done a LOT of extra credit in that class.

All I really need to do is maintain my grades and I'm good to go. I just want to be in CSF, and that is the hardest thing to get into, atm. I can have only 2 B's and 2 A's MINIMUM. Anything below that, I'm in trouble, and it makes it even worse since I'm technically only taking 4 classes. Well, technically 5, but that's TA, which doesn't count towards CSF.
Well, I hope everyone has a GOOD Thanksgiving and forgive me for not updating in 8 days, I've just been WAY too busy. I come home around 8:30pm M, T, Th, and Sun. Wed at 5pm. Oh, don't eat TOO much on Thanksgiving!
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