Okay, I've BEEN staying busy lately....What free time I have had this week I've been beading jewelry and such. Let's start back on Sunday.
Sunday: I went and saw Matrix Revolutions, which was okay, in my opinion. I wasn't "wow'd" to say the least. The only thing I found cool was when Neo punched Mr. Smith, or whatever his name is, at the end. I thought the fight scenes in the city was TOO long, the ending was pretty corny comparing Neo to a Christ-like-figure (English has made me notice these things!), and the rest was okay, I suppose. Reloaded I liked because of all the cool special effects, such as the Twins, the story plot in both was pretty stupid, though I think there was more of a plot in Revolutions then Reloaded. So that is MY opinion of Matrix; those two brothers should NOT do another movie anywhere near like the Matrix in plot, also.
Monday: It was a minimum day at school and I still wasn't feeling all the way better so I stayed home, which many people did. I'm glad I didn't go to school; I didn't miss anything of importance. Kristi and I ran around doing errands from around 10:30am-1:30pm, about.

We had to go pick up some kids in the carpool at noon at the school, and we had to go get groceries since my Mom left on Friday early morning and never went to the store. So, Kristi, my dad, and I were on the bare minimum on food.

I got a new beading book on Monday too so I got out the beads and made this necklace. It's called a "square stitch" with leaves handing down, clear/white seed beads (really small ones) with blue glass leaves. It's really nice looking. I also made this other one that's called Celtic Occassion, or something like that. It's a braid pattern in three different colors that connect at the bottom and has tassels. It's really cool looking. Of course, in this pattern you DON'T actually "braid" the strings of beads, but it's just circle stitches that are reversed and such.

Those colors are blue, green, and clear/white beads. Nice lookin' it is!
Tuesday: Vetran's day so no school. My mom and I went and ran errands (she came home Monday night), mainly for myself for beading. I needed to go to the bead store on Cannery Row, Monterey, to get some new nice beads. A pendant, crystals, etc. I ended up spending around $70 there, but the lady gave us a discount so we ended up paying $63, which was DEFINITELY fine with me.

Then my mom and I went to Salinas to Michael's Craft Store and Wal-Mart. I ended up getting MORE beads and stuff at Michael's. I think I ended up spending around $45 at Michael's. Wal-Mart my mom wanted to get something really quick and I forgot some bead things I needed at Michael's or the bead store (Let it Bead, is the name of the store). I ended up getting a new container to hold my beads and a plastic carrying case thingy for 3 bucks (it holds ALL my bead stuff, tools (pliers of assortment), containers, everything), and more beads. I think I spent about $15 there.

So it was an expensive day for me...

All I made on Tuesday was an Indian American beaded basket, which I've known how to do for years, but I got to use some of my NEW beads!
Wednesday: School....Slow, fast, whatever. I found out I definitely didn't miss anything, but I DID find out some cool news. I got a 96 on my physics test, which I only missed 4 points because I CROSSED out a right answer and put a wrong one, go figure, but I DID get a right answer from SIMPLY guessing, and in physics that's nearly impossible to do! There were 16 multiple choice questions and such, and one question our teacher wrote, and the one our teacher wrote (with NO choices) I got right. I guessed 3.0m/s, and in physics, hardly anything comes out even like that, and the correct answer was 3.17m/s! He let me have the 6 points for being only .17m/s off!

It was funny. I also may have a chance to go to Washington DC for free. It would be for the Student Ocean Summit Meeting in January from the 14th-16th, the 13th and 17th are travel days. All expense paid trip to go talk about the oceans of the US, protection, and the government's involvement, which is something I'm looking more and more into about a possible career. So that's cool! I still won't know for a while. Only 5 students can go, and 1 teacher (schools can go if they fulfill requirements of having participated in 1/5 categories, we're 2/5) 11 students have signed up, but we think it'll get down to the 5 Monterey Bay Aquarium volunteers.

I have a good chance of goin' though. Mrs. Kiefer made me look over a 4"+ stack of information they sent to the school....It was a lot of pamphlets and such. I even took two home I really was interested in...I also signed up for National Ocean Science Bowl, or ...Science Ocean... Not sure which it is.

It's basically teams compete against each other from all over the area locally, and if they win they go national, or state, and if they win at that level they get a trip to Hawaii! But it's all Oceanography based and it's in the use of buzzers and such. So that was all my excitement for Wednesday
Thursday: We had our powderpuff game today. SENIORS WON! SENIORS!! C/O 2004! Any ways, Seniors won. We have our homecoming game tomorrow night against our rival school, Seaside. It's a home game. I don't hope to win, but I at least hope Seaside isn't in the playoffs!

Love you all at Seaside!

Not much else happened. I blanked out on a pop-quiz today in math, but it's okay. I got two out of 3 questions, so that's about a 7/10?

But our teacher drops our lowest math quiz and I have over a perfect in quiz scores. I present tomorrow in English on Hamlet: Act III. That'll be interesting...Not much else happened. *shrugs* Rally tomorrow also. I can't remember who's Queen, but King is Abdul (forgot his last name). I have the aquarium this weekend, and my Saturday is mostly shot, but it's all good! Oh, I have to memorize over 15 lines from Hamlet too...and write an essay on the lines I memorized. I have to say the lines to my teacher (not in front of the entire class) by the 26th (day before Thanksgiving), but I won't be here that day, so 25th for me!
All for now, since this is SO long!
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