News: I'm going to Washington DC the 13th-18th! The conference is the 14th-16th. Day of travel, day of doing whatever we want, day of travel.
Internship: It's going good. Slowly I'm gaining hours, but it's goin' at least!
Petsitting: Woohoo! I've got at least one house to do this Christmas.
Beading work: It's comin'. I seem to keep buying new beads a lot lately...
School: Finals are a week from today. I've got only 3 finals so it's all good.
Aquarium: Going to the information meeting to do the guide class tomorrow night. I also found a sub so I don't have to go in this Sunday because of finals and my Mondays are so packed and such.
American Sign Language (ASL) Class: It's goin' good. Taking my lab final this Thursday (we get videoed on how we sign). Our written final is on Tuesday (same day I start finals at school). Then...NO MORE ASL! Which is sad and good. I won't see my classmates anymore, but I'll be glad to have Tues & Thurs evenings open for most of Jan before I start the Aquarium class on Tuesday nights Jan 20th.
MISC: I messed my back up! But it's all good...
All for now!
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