Monday, December 15, 2003

6 more days till my 18th birthday!

2 more days of school, for me

10 days till Christmas

YAY! School's almost done! I have an English final and my ASL final tomorrow. I have math and physics on Wednesday. I don't need to come into school on Thursday and Friday, coming in to get my grades and then going out to brunch with a bunch of friends to do a surprise going away party for our friend, Daniel. He's going back to Brazil on Sat, the 20th. Nothing really new for me. *shrugs* I haven't done any of my Christmas shopping, yet. Going to try and tackle most of my shopping on Thursday and this weekend.

I'm going to be directing a bunch of kids on Christmas Eve in a song that they're going to be signing. I some how became the director...*shrugs* It'll be cool though.

I'm glad there's no ROV tonight. Tomorrow I have my ASL final before the day of my two hardest finals, but I DO get out at noon all days this week with finals and such. *shrugs* I also have a 109% in Civics too! I don't have to take that final, which is nice. I'm staying in Civics to force myself to study for ASL in there, and also math and physics, if I want to there. Though, I may end up sleeping, LoL. I'll probably study for ASL.

Over the break I have to work on the DC trip powerpoint research stuff, my internship project and journal. I'm gonna try to go in a few times during break because I can put in a full long day which would help. I have about 22 hours or something. I don't remember. I think that's all the homework I have to do over the break though. It's nice!

Well, all for now!

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