Yes, that's what I'm labeling myself...
I'm in love with Sleeping Bear Press Alphabet Books now...They are the COOLEST things. You should type "Sleeping Bear Press Alphabet Books" into and see all the books. Some of the books authors live in Monterey. I got my dad the _H is for Homerun_ and it's autographed. I have _H is for Horse_. Geeze, I wonder why I got that one for myself?
So, yeah, that's my latest obsession at Borders...
It's probably a good thing my section of the store isn't Christian Fiction or pets or something...I think I'd be doomed if it was. The kids section is bad enough! Finding all these cool picture books and young adult books...
So far, though, my favorite book has come out to be _Daughter of the Forest_ by Juliet Marillier. I dunno if you can say it's my ALL time favorite, but it's at least, right now, my favorite. It's based off of an Irish folktale about a sister who's brother's turn into swans and only she can return them to being human. The Grimm brother's did a short thing on the same tale. It's a girly book, I will have to say, even though it's in the science fiction section.
Another good series I keep trying to tell people about is the Thursday Next books by Jasper Fforde. Colin actually found those at Borders and now I'm hooked too. Very cleverly written books. It helps if you've read _Jane Eyre_ too, at least for the first book, and _Hamlet_, for the 4th book. Or if you're at least familiar with how the story goes in each one of those, especially the ending in _Jane Eyre_.
Books I'm most looking foreward to coming out: Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince by JK Rowling, Opal by Lauraine Snelling, and The Eldest by Christopher Paolini (I know the release dates on two of the three!
DVDs I'm looking foreward to coming out: Lord of the Rings: Return of the King (extended special edition), and Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban (they're coming out the end of this year, yay!!)
Any ways, other than that...there's not much going on. Things are going as they normally do.
Whelps, got hw to do. All for now!
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