Days left of school (including weekends): 21
Days left till my birthday: 25
Days left till Christmas: 29
The irony? They're all 4 days apart! *laughs* I just realized that right now.
Life is going okay, right now. Work is getting a bit hectic because of the holidays and such. Today, for a Friday, it felt like a Saturday. So I'm kind of scared what Saturday is going to be life? The Thursday before Christmas (Christmas is on a Sat, this year) our store goal for sales in one day from 9am-12am is around $85,000! Which is almost more than we've ever sold in ONE day. We've done $30,000 while I've been there, but this is just INSANE! No really grumpy people today at work, which was nice. One unhappy customer, but it wasn't bad.
Wednesday I had one hour that felt like the hour from hell. I won't explain it all. But to say the least, this lady was just really frantic on the phone for, from my view, NO apparent reason! And this guy had this difficult return. It's been okay, though.
School is goin' all right. I had "fall break" this week. I haven't been to school in a while so it feels weird, but I only have a few more weeks left! It's kind of nice, also, that I only have one final.
Next semester I'm going to be taking Chem I and Lab, Calc II and Lab, The Oceans, The Atmosphere, and ASL 1B for a total of 16 units. It's gonna suck for working. Because of the way my classes fell and I had NO control over making it a nicer schedule too. *shakes head* I have class in the morn M&W from 9am-12pm (Chem-M, Lab-W), TTH from 10-12pm (ASL), MW 4-6pm (Oceans-M, Atmosphere-W), TTH 4-6pm (Calc II), and finally F 10-12pm (Calc II lab). Essentially I can close for work, but it'd suck having to work till midnight and get up 8 hours later to go to school. The real only two days I have is Friday and Saturday. Oh well. *shrugs*
I think that's all for now.
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