NEW news...comes to...NOTHING!
Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince is WONDERFUL. I finished it yesterday (Sunday). I promise not to give any spoilers. I worked the release of the book. I worked till 2am on Saturday and had to be back at work at 3pm on Sat.
The book is excellent, but there's a few things I'm pondering about and obviously I have that feeling of things are unresolved, obviously. Can't wait till the 7th and last one comes out in 2 years! Till then...I'm going to reread the the 6th book, again, to see if I missed anything and then go back and reread 1-5 in order with 6th as the last one to see if I can see anything new. I am slightly confused on the so-called connection between the 2nd book (Chmaber of Secrets) and this book. I see it and I don't. Maybe I made it into a bigger thing then it was, but none-the-less it is time to start figuring out new things and new ponderings of what will happen.
As for the release night it was...NUTS...I went in my "I solemnly swear that I am up to no good" t-shirt and my HP scarf that my mom made me (which looked REALLY good). I had to be at work at 6pm and activities started at 9pm. The activities were crazy...I'm glad I wasn't in our kids area because it was just PACKED with kids. I got a lot of posters from various books (The Eldest, by Christopher Paolini comes out in the end of Aug and that poster is pretty cool!). They were pretty cool activities, but it was hard to do with so many kids. At 11pm we kicked everyone out and had them line up for the release. My mom and I had gotten tickets at 9am (when the store opened) and we were numbers 62-64! This guy camped out in front of the store last night...he got to the store at a quarter till 5am! Our workers don't even come in till 5am M-F!! He was nuts...
Whelps...I believe that's it! I shall waddle along to bed now since I work tomorrow (or today, I suppose) at 1pm. Hope everyone is doing well!
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