Monday, January 23, 2006

First day of school!

I SURVIVED!! I endured my first statistics (Stat 250) class and my first ASL 202 class (which is my last semester of ASL!!!!!). I also endured a 6 hour stretch of time between classes. I survived!

Tomorrow I have class at an obscene time..8:25 am. Yes, 8:25 am, not 8:30. 8:25 am. Than I have class again at 4pm. Alas, another 6 hour stretch between classes. This is just one of the worst schedules someone could have. Not enough time inbetween to really work (unless I wanted to do a four hour span, which I'm contemplating if I go crazy with these 6 hour stretches). I also can't just turn my brain off for the rest of the day too. It's a bummer, but hopefully this'll be the last semester of these weird schedules. Last spring was the best. I had no late classes. Ever since then I've had a class that goes till 8pm. It's just a bummer of a time.

I get this feeling that ESSP 280 is going to be my toughest class, if all the word on the professor is correct. I'll guess I'll determine that a few weeks into class.

Write more later on classes.

1 comment:

WolfeBay said...

That sucks! having 6 hours in between classes... I beleive I did that for a short while.. One class in the morning, one at night. Drove me nuts for a while. I know I would never do that again. Now, I'm taking night courses so I could work in the day shift. Did you know the day shift existed? Whodathunkit?!