*does the dance of joy* I got a 91/100 on my ecology final! :D That solidifies my A in the class. YAY!!
I have no clue about my QFM grade. It's up in the air with a final project paper, lab paper, and final still not graded.
SL I should pull an A, but I have this stupid paper to finish. *Sigh* It's 85-90% finished, I just don't want to re-read 18 single-spaced pages on this issue. It's all subjective, mostly, with me supporting why. It just doesn't INTEREST me!!! I need to reread it, though, take out some duplicate stuff (we wrote the body of the paper in 4 parts over the semester) and write an overall intro and conclusion and then it'll be done. I SHOULD go through his comments and edit too, but I probably will only change the big stuff, my environmental issue of interest (I changed it in part 2), and I need to finish "writing" part 4. I left off some things or things that need to be expanded. It's probably a good 4 hours of work left. It's not due till Sunday at 11:59am, though. :) So I have a few days. I have to get a 30/30 on it to retain my *cough* 98% *cough* in the class. I can get a 22/30 on the paper and still retain an A (90%), though. And, I think, as is, it's probably a B to A-. This prof grades differently, so the semester (and all our work) totals 100 points. A30 point paper is 30% of our grade and a HUGE assignment based on points. We had 1, 1.5, 2, and 5 point assignments most of the semester, so you can see how 30 is big. :P
Well, with that. Must be off to finish that paper and go to SLEEP.
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