Friday, May 25, 2007

School's Over and Pirates Rocked!


I've been finished with school for about a week now. :) Turned in my final paper (22 single-spaced pages at 13,484 words) for SL and all last Sunday. That was not a joyous experience, I tell ya. I thought the paper was due at noon on Sunday, so I stayed up till 4 am finishing the paper. I got up around 10am (after falling asleep around 5am and not sleeping well) to turn my paper in, but I got this email from my prof saying it was due by MIDNIGHT. I almost died. I'm dead tired and my mom walks in wanting to know if I was going to church. I explained the whole situation (was about to fall apart from being tired) and she said to go back to bed, sleep some more, get up and finish the paper. So, that's what I did. Lol

Anyway, I got an A, for sure, in ecology since I got a 28/30 on my final paper. No clue about the other classes since they haven't finished grading anything. Grades are due the first of June, so they have some time.

Preakness was depressing. Street Sense lost at the wire! AT THE WIRE! By a SHORT head! *sigh* Makes you wonder about Street Sense. He's lost 2 other races doing, basically, the same thing. He BLEW past all the other horses and then Curlin catches him at the wire. Oh well. Curlin looks good, but my heart just isn't in it. LoL

PIRATES!!! I SAW PIRATES LAST NIGHT!!! OH MY GOSH! It rocks! I went with a friend Tori and met up with 2 co-workers (Stephen, Dusty, and Dusty's friend), we went to the theater at about 5:20pm for the (hahaha) 10pm showing. :) Or, well, Tori and I went at 5:20, the guys showed up later. :P

I'm going to copy paste my evening from another place I posted about the movie so I don't have to retype it all. :)

Tori and I got to the theater about 5:20, I went to the box office to see if they had any 10pm showings and they didn't. So I called Stephen at work. I told him and went ahead and bought him a 10:05 ticket, you never know. The time before they didn't check tickets at the door and we smuggled Dusty into the theater at the wrong time! I told Stephen I didn't have enough for his friends, though. He said that's fine and he'll let them know what's going on. Okay, that's fine. So I got my ticket and his. Tori and I went to Chipotle. She got a burrito and I got a burrito bol (a burrito without the tortilla, for those that don't know). We went back, around 5:40pm to start a line. There were some people there, whereas before NO one was there. So we went outside and was sitting down next to the wall when Tori brought out her LotR Trivia Pursuit game. There were two other girls sitting next to us and I offered if they wanted to play. So we were playing and all, two of us went inside to tell them they should put a line NOW or there are going to be unhappy people when the mob goes indoors. Anyway, that got us basically nowhere. So we've been sitting outside for about an hour and they start letting people inside to line up. They didn't tell us ALL that. Ashley figured it out on her own. So we went inside and instead of being 15th or so in line...we were like 30 or 40. I don't know, we got pushed back anyway.

So, you think that wouldn't be too bad; yeah, well, we got stuck next to the high school girl club. They were SO irritating. It was about 10 of them and through the 3 hours of sitting next to them they played twister in the theater lobby, they talked about some of the MOST unappropriate things to talk about (sex, orgasms, "true" sex stories, etc). Just talking about sex in general isn't bad, but the stuff they were talking about some some of the girls would want "details" and it was just, not fun to listen to. They were LOUD too. Tori and I would almost have to shout at each other to hear each other and we were sitting right across from each other.

So after about an hour, maybe 1.5 hours of sitting next to them, we started taking breaks to go outside and regain our sanity (the people next to us even said they were irritating!). It was after 8pm, so I called Dusty to see if he was coming now or a bit later and he was coming later. Then I called Stephen. The girls we were sitting next to playing Trivia Pursuit with decided to switch show times from 10pm to 10:10pm. So they were going to go and exchange tickets. So I swapped them a 10pm ticket for my 10:05 ticket. So I had to call Stephen at work to tell him he got a 10pm ticket, yet his friends had 10:05 or 10:10, I forgot, but we said we'd figure it out later. He said he wasn't going to go get something to eat since he took his lunch break (LAME! Dusty and Stephen worked 3 hours, had a 1 hour lunch break, worked 1 hour, and were off. *rolls eyes*). I was telling him about the girls and he's all "maybe I should come now to relieve you two." I told him it didn't really matter. Called Kristi and saw an old high school friend. It was fun to see him (graduated a year after me).

Anyway, Tori and I ended up standing in line, line moved, yaddy, yaddy. I called Stephen and texted him a million times trying to figure out where he is, where are his friends, etc. His friends decided that he should just go without them, so he ended up sitting with us and no friends. As it was, they were checking tickets outside the door and...lo and behold, two of the HS girls couldn't find their tickets! (I must admit I was amused.) We got seats two rows up from the girls and they were pretty good. We saved two seats for Dusty and his friend.

So we were just sitting there and talking and someone brought two beach balls! It was SO much fun! This girl had dressed up like a pirate (there were some VERY elaborate costumes) and had brought a pirate flag so she was waving it back and forth every so often and running in front of the screen. It was pretty fun. The beach balls, though, were REALLY fun. We were all hitting them around and all that. Dusty showed up, about 10 minutes before the movie started. So then our video projector guy was down at the bottom taking tickets and such and told us if we could keep the beach ball (one of them, not both) going for 5 minutes straight, he'll start the movie 5 minutes early. So it became a lot of people's goal to keep it going. Didn't last a minute. Lol It was fun, though. He ran around the theater REALLY fast with the pirate flag and it was just overall a LOT of fun.

Movie previews were fun too. LoL. People cheered during the beginning and end of them (National Treasure this Dec looks GOOD!), except Transformers was hilarious. When it finished, it was SILENT in the theater and then a few seconds later everyone started to cheer! Transformers, surprisingly, looks pretty good. So it surprised us all.

The movie itself was MUCH funnier than the 2nd movie. Johnny Depp was FAB! If possible, better than the first two. The ending felt a bit long (the big battle scene we've seen clips from) and I have some issues with some of the storylines introduced in this movie and some other stuff, but other than was good! It had just about everything for everyone. I was a bit surprised at some points and the ending was interesting...I won't say anymore or I'm liable to give some clues away no matter what. :) I WANT TO GO AGAIN!!

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