Last week they were contacting winners and a friend of mine got picked and I was getting more depressed as the days go on thinking I didn't win. So this week (after Monday) I gave up hope in winning. It just wasn't meant to be and there would be other times.
Well...I was sitting in class at about 12:20pm on Wednesday and my phone rings. I'm staring
at it on the desk flashing a "Call 1." I knew it had to be an unknown
number. I've been reading the comments on the news post about the
winners being contacted on TLC's main page so I know from that (and my friend's account) their numbers don't show up. So it's the BEGINNING of
class and this happens. So I'm sitting there thinking, "could that be
them? I can't remember which number I gave them. It could be Chris
though, his number is blocked." So it stops ringing and a
voice mail was left. So it's making even MORE paranoid. LoL I even was
trying to figure out what time Chris would have had to start work to
call me at that specific time. I figured out there was not much chance
it was him, but it STILL could have been him. I was trying to not get
my hopes up. So we were finishing a movie and I'm sitting there trying to
pay attention and not freak out. FINALLY at 1pm she says we can take a
5 minute break (we do every class) so I get up (we ALL have to get up
and move around) and I check my voice mail. It starts off, "Hi, this
message is for Bethany Taylor..." I KNEW right then I won. LoL Then it
goes onto "This is Vicky from Scholastics and I'm actually calling to
congratulate you..." I basically freaked out. I'm standing next to my
friends saying, "oh my gosh! I can't believe it! I won!" They're looking at me
funny. I finally tell them when the message ended. They just gave me
one of those "oh, that's nice" looks.
I went out of the room to call my mom. I'm trying to hold it all in and
I called her and she said I sounded funny like I was distressed. So she
was worried about what could have happened! Then I told her and she's
all "really? You won?" It was funny, but I was so excited! So I went
back and had to sit through 45 more minutes of class knowing this
information! I tried calling Vicky after class, but there was no
answer. I left the worst voice mail ever. I'm all "Hi Vicky, this is
Bethany Taylor. I'm just calling your...I mean, returning your call. I
would absolutely love to accept the tickets, prize, [I said something I
don't remember], whatever they are. You can call me back at..." I gave
her my number twice (hope I said it right, I don't even remember saying
the numbers) and hung up.
Now to wait for the return call because I have some papers to fill out and send back to them! So, yes, I and my mother are going to NYC to see JK Rowling!!!! Am I excited? Oh yeah!
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