I totally blanked on more than 3 differences between r-selected and
k-selected species. *sigh* I was thinking size was a factor, because
k-selected are typically bigger, but I thought that was stupid. Of
course, that WAS a reason and I didn't write it down. Blasted. 10 point question and I got only
(at most) 6 points on it. I also, uhm, fibbed my way through what Net
Primary Production was. Hahaha. I probably got a 5 on that one (maybe more if he has pity on me since I did know what all the components in the equation meant (and the equation) even if I didn't exactly know what Net Primary Production exactly was). And...I
guessed on 2 T/F questions and 1 multiple choice question. If I got
those wrong, that's another 7 points!
Not to mention the possibility in getting other questions wrong. *sigh*
That's a low B and we only have 3 tests in this class! AHHHHHHHHHH
My stomach is in a ton of knots... I'm depressed...
I am doing better in 212, though. I've gotten 9's on the last couple of our assignments. So that means I'm pulling an A in the class at least. I'm not hostel (openly or otherwise) against him and I'm writing in a way that he wants, so I'm doing pretty well.
Water Law ain't bad, but we still haven't had too many assignments. I'm doing well, though. A at least.
Capstone is, well, capstone. There's not a whole lot to actually grade. It'll come down to how my proposal turns out and what Judy thinks of it. The rate I'm going, it could be a disaster, but hopefully it won't be. I'm feeling really behind in capstone even if I am keeping up with all the assignments. I guess I feel on-time to the class, but behind to Judy and the NOEP's standards. My capstone will be a working paper and we're getting more work for the National Report, so...I need to amp up my work ethic to my capstone. Not that I'm working on something else more than my capstone. It's more like I'm constantly tired so really sluggish in getting things done when there's not a due date that week. I do have to make a time line of when I want things done for the NOEP and Judy so we can keep me on track, but it's just intimidating! I like the NOEP a lot, but I feel stupid when everyone talks about their projects. Granted, I'm sure everyone kind of feels that way with any project you have no clue about, but still! Being the noob, simply put, isn't fun.
On top of this all, I'm basically screwed with the Academic Planning Committee this semester. Their meetings are at a time I have class. It's either ditch class (with the APC knowing) or participate next semester. They've asked if I can participate next semester, which I hopefully can. I may ditch Water Law anyway...That class is SO boring and she has us write notes for some purpose I don't know. We don't have tests or quizzes in the class.
I've decided not to be a mentor this year for the aquarium. I just can't add onto my mental status as it is already. I could do it, but just the thought of HAVING to be at the aquarium every Sunday because I have a responsibility would be too much. I like the freedom in knowing I can skip the aquarium if I need to.
Other than that, life is going. I've yet to receive my packet of information from Scholastic for the JK Rowling thing in NY, but that should be arriving sometime this week. To say the least, I'm really wanting mid-October to be here NOW.
Okay, I should be off.
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