Huh, that's weird. I thought I updated with my marine bio test grade. I guess I didn't. I got an 85% on it. I did a LOT better than I thought on the essay questions. I missed some dumb things on the T/F part and only missed 1 multiple question, but it was worth 5 points. LoL Oh well, it's over and done with.
Anyway...My mom and I are leaving for NYC this Thursday!! Our plane leaves sometime after 6am (6:45am?). :P We'll be comin' back late Sunday night. JK Rowling is on Friday at 7 pm!
On another note...
I went to our school's graduate school fair today. MOST of the schools represented were there to promote their law programs and ALL the schools were from California. I visited a few of them with a classmate of mine because she is interested in law. It was kind of interesting and there are some pretty neat programs out there like one is international environmental law (it's only a degree, no masters yet). There weren't any science related program, well, what I was specifically looking for. UC-Santa Cruz was there, but they don't have specifically what I'm looking for either. I have pretty much decided, though, I am 1) going out of the state for grad school and 2) not going to law school. LoL Policy or public affairs is the closest I'll get. Unless I go governmental affairs, which I kind of doubt.
Anyway, I've decided (as of now) I'd like to go off and work for the government or some big agency, make my contacts, do some good work, and then end up as a professor at a college or working at a non-profit. Problem is, if I want to be a professor at a college I'm either going to have to have some good contacts and great career beforehand or get my PhD. :P I guess I'll come to that road when I get to it, which will be MANY years away. LoL Right now, getting a PhD sounds extremely intimidating and not fun. I have to get through my Masters before I can start thinking PhD!
Columbia University is still my top pick for grad schools, but I'm seriously contemplating going to Edinburgh University now. They have an environmental monitoring and management masters there and it's a 12 month program (9 months for the degree, 3 months for the dissertation). It's more science related and Columbia is more policy related. Columbia is definitely more the track I want to go (degree, classes, and location), but Edinburgh is a good university and it'd give me some great experiences (not to mention a research cruise!). Someways I just want to say Edinburgh because...seriously...I miss Edinburgh like I lived there most of my life. I must have gotten bit by the "I love Edinburgh" bug while I was there or something. I sort of miss London, but Edinburgh is like I want to go back every year for the summer (I can skip London, LoL). Anyway, we'll see what happens. It's still a few years away!
With that...I'm off to finish editing this paper, edit/review my marine bio lab, and sleep! Tomorrow I have to e-mail my capstone proposal off and e-mail someone for my capstone. Not to mention my contest work. Oh and pack....AHHHHHHHH
*happy thoughts, happy thoughts* I will be in NYC on Thursday and seeing JK Rowling and meeting her on Friday *happy thoughts, happy thoughts*
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