Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Rain boots!

I'm going through money like nothing else this quarter and it's only the start of the 3rd week, but I'm buying rain boots! I've had it with having wet feet and soaking wet jean hems for hours on end. I'll have to endure it the rest of this week since my boots won't arrive this week, but I won't have to deal with it ever again. It's just the pits sitting in class from 9:30am-3pm (that would be today) with wet feet/shoes and the wet jean hems. First off, it makes me cold and our lecture hall/colloquium room is already cold on hot days. Secondly, it's just not a pleasant feeling having damp feet. Uck. Thirdly, it's not fun walking with wet feet that have been that way for hours because I feel like the skin starts rubbing off on the ball of my feet as I walk (I know, I know, probably TMI). To say the least, rain boots will be a really nice investment for me. I'm also buying fleece liners for the boots to help with the cold and chaffing at the calf (recommended by friends).

The boots: whale rain boots from Target
The liner: Black rain boot liners

With my new rain jacket that works really well (thanks mom and dad!), uber cool jellies umbrella, and whale rain boots, I am all set for the rainy weather! I just need waterproof pants now...Of course, now that I have the rain boots, it probably won't rain the rest of the year when I would use them...At least I've gotten to use my umbrella that I've had for 2 years! I think I've used it 4 times since I bought it -- twice in SB! Today was kind of ridiculous with the wind, though. It had to start raining right when I walked out the door (no joke because I had opened the door 2 minutes before, came back in, went back out and it started raining) too. By the time I got to Bren, the rain had pretty much let up, but the wind was so strong I actually had troubles walking for a few meters. At one point I seriously had the thought that I might loose my footing on the wet cement because the wind was so strong. After our first lecture, though, the storm had pretty much passed by. Walking back at 3pm today, there was no rain. In fact, there are blue skies out right now with big fluffy clouds over the mountains.

Anyway, the quarter is still continuing well. All of us are looking forward to the end of the quarter already and it seems to get harder going back to classes after a weekend, but we all slug through it. It was kind of funny because one our profs today during a make-up lecture because there were no classes yesterday was trying to get us to breath, relax, etc for our 3rd straight lecture (we already had 3 hours before him) and he said, "remember why you're here..." There was a pause from all the students and he says, "it's a good thing to do!" Some of us kind of looked at each other like, "he's kind of got a point, but we don't really care right now." :P

Financially, I'm doing well with my loans. I say that I'm going through money like it's nothing, but I am well within my loans and will make it through the quarter fine. I was just hoping I could repeat my $100/week like last quarter this quarter so I could have some leftover loan money to put towards my summer rent. There's no loan money for the summer and it's either I cancel my San Clemente Apt contract 2 months early, 100% move out, rent a storage unit, and get reassigned an apt next year (and roommate - assuming Jane doesn't cancel early) or eat the 2 months of rent, not have to 100% move out and keep my apt (I really like my apt's location). Unfortunately, that means I have to come up with about $1800 for the 2 months to cover rent. I might be taking out a mini-loan from a bank for the summer. LoL We'll see. Maybe I'll "flatten out" my spending for the rest of the quarter (definitely possible) and eat everything I have in the kitchen (I admit, I've done a few grocery shopping trips here because I've wanted "other" foods to eat -- all economically cheap, but additional cost when I already have food) and I might do okay. Who knows. :P I do need to start prepping for FAFSA...Taxes and FAFSA at the same time...Really? Is there more of a financial form of torture than those two together?!

Anyway, with that, I should probably hit the study books (*groans*) or take a nap (*cheers*). Well, maybe not a nap. The grad apartments are having "chili night" today!! It's a welcome-back-and-meet-your-fellow-apartment-mates thingy, but I'm going for the food. :D Hey...it's free food!

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