Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Finals, shrimp, and tweaked back

Finals...Turned my econ final in yesterday. It was a take home due tomorrow at 4pm, but I slept bad two nights in a row over it and decided I was not going to get any closer to solving the issues I had with it so I decided to cut my losses and turn it in. I feel confident for 60/100 points or 5/7 problems. Those first two stupid problems that are each worth 20 pts is what killed me. The test was too mathematical than it was theory based like our class. It was frustrating because I knew what we were supposed to do for the math problems, but I couldn't figure out how to do the math to get to where I needed to be! : I must have spent like 12 hours trying to solve them...Fairly sure I got the first two problems wrong, but I'm hoping for partial credit on the 2nd one since I knew how to do the rest of the parts in the problem, I just couldn't figure out how to create the aggregate supply curve from the information that was given. So frustrating...

I'm now studying for my 202 final that's later this week. That test is in-class, but open books, notes, and powerpoints. Not sure if that's really a boon because it makes it hard to study...

One of my shrimps (the first one) had her eggs hatch. I haven't seen any evidence of the babies at all so they either got eaten by my fish, got sucked into the filter, and/or are hiding really well. I figure if I end up with 4+ shrimps, I'll know where the extra one(s) came from! I expect my other female will have hers hatch in a week. I can't tell if I'm bummed I haven't seen the babies or relieved I may not have more shrimp...

Between all the writing I did last week for my 3 papers and working on the take home final, my back is SO tweaked from sitting and bending over to look at my desk. The wireless keyboard has certainly helped this quarter, though. I can't imagine doing all that typing at the height I was doing it. Now to figure out a way so I'm not bent over my desk reading, writing, and checking information while I type...Every few hours I have to lay down to realign my back and it's important to remember to stand up every once in a while. Quarter is almost over, though! Yay!!

The weather here has been extremely nice. Today's high was about 80 degrees so it definitely feels like Spring has arrived. It's been a nice change from the cold weather we had 1-2 weeks ago. It just won't be fun to walk in to class. LoL Oh well.

Well...with that...I should study for 202 again.

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