Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Papers, finals, and movies...

I have 3 papers due on Friday and I have a draft of all 3! I'm so proud of myself, but now I'm having to edit, trim, etc and that's just plain annoying. One of my papers is far too long and it's just painful cutting things out...In fact, I wrote almost an entire single-spaced page worth of information and decided to do a table instead. So now I have to trim out almost all the technical information and beef up the examples and it's just...painful. All that time and research! Oh well...

Next week are finals, which is nerve wrecking. I'm not worried about the econ final too much because it's take home and I have a pretty good A in the class, but I'm worried about my biogeochem final. It's in class (we get 3 hours to do it), but I'm pulling only a mediocre B right now so I have to do well on the final to ensure I don't fail the class. I know they're going to curve the entire class at the end (my guess is half a letter grade), but we have to have a solid B to pass a class at graduate level! That's pressure! I'd feel better if the pass grade was a B-. LoL

I am slightly concerned about my policy and marine classes. The final papers for those classes will make up almost my entire grade. So I have to do well on them or I may tank. I don't think I'll tank the paper, but it's always a possibility lingering in the back of my head. I guess it makes me want to do better, but at the same time...sometimes your best just isn't good enough! I just need to think happy thoughts and once the papers are turned in I won't care again till I look at grades. LoL

Anyway...Movie update!

Informant: I admit I fell asleep through part of it, but I was tired! I like Matt Damon and thought he did a good job. I thought it was a good film overall too. It was kind of interesting how he kept fabricating the story and leading along people. It was also interesting to see who figured it out quicker than others. His poor wife, though... B

Law Abiding Citizen: Really interesting film! I liked it more than I thought I would. The movie had an interesting message about the legal system and how it's flawed, but it's the only system we have. Essentially the main character feels injustice because the man who murdered his wife and daughter got away on a deal and only served 5 years. The lawyers (protagonist - Jamie Foxx) argument was there wasn't any hard evidence to support the criminal did it and he didn't want to go to trial if there was no chance (he had like a 97% conviction rate he was proud of). So the main character (antagonist - Gerard Butler) spends 10 years plotting and basically kills a man which everyone knows he did, but there is no proof. So he plays the system to show them the flaws in following just by the rules and making deals with criminals. It was interesting to say the least and the acting was well done. A-

Alice in Wonderland: Maybe it's because the hype was built up a great deal, but I didn't leave the theater feeling all that satisfied. I felt like it was a little rushed and the story wasn't flushed out all that well. I thought Helena Bonham Carter did a great job as the Red Queen, though. The voice acting was really good too. Johnny Depp was good, but every once in a while he reminded me too much of Jack Sparrow. I haven't had that rememberance of his former characters before. Maybe I've just seen PotC too much. LoL Anne Hathaway portrayal of the White Queen was, uhm, interesting. It kind of drove me nuts. LoL If you see the movie, you'll understand what I mean. The actress who plays Alice was pretty good, but her make-up was way too pale for me. She looked ill! She's not that pale in real life. The combination of CG and live acting was pretty amazing, though. It had a definite Tim Burton spin, but it wasn't bad. Overall, enjoyable, but not worth the pre-hype. B

Quick thing about the Oscars...I think I read too many pre-Oscar guesses because none of the winners surprised me. So...it was a boring Oscars for me and I am once again glad I just kept up with the winners on-line instead of watching it for 3+ hours. I will say I am glad Avatar did not win Best Picture because that would have really irked me. It's bad enough they're having Miley Cyrus present to bring in younger crowds, but picking Avatar would have just done it for me. Hurt Locker isn't a bad pick and it has a lot of Academy "politics" involved since it's a women director and a political type film. I did enjoy the film, though, and I'm glad Kathryn Bigelow won. In fact...this might be one of the few times the Best Picture winner is a film I've seen before the Oscars! Weird...

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