Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Let us continue the internship drama!

Still waiting to hear back from COMPASS and whether I can just "go for it" with them even if the new coordinator is brand new. Apparently, after talking with a professor who works with them, they haven't even named someone new for the position! Oh crud...So...I'm basically writing off COMPASS and if they happen to decide they'd want me, I'll work around my other internship to get COMPASS in. Two part-time internships can't be bad, right? Especially if one pays!

In other news, my Monterey Sanctuary contact has said he's too swamped to be a decent mentor for me. It sounds like he's so busy that my being around would just hinder more than help. Could this be a worse summer to check for internships?! He did, very kindly, provide me with the e-mail address of another Sanctuary worker who will be moving to the West Coast Region Sanctuary program (that's also in Monterey - score!) and may be looking for help this summer. So I've e-mailed her and am hoping she pulls through for me. *fingers crossed* It sounds like if I can get my foot into the Sanctuary, it'd give me some great experience and the Sanctuary also deals in what I want to do too.

I'm going to try proding the Aquarium one more time, but I think it's futile at this point.

I think I've also decided to try COMPASS at NCES next school year. I'm glad I didn't try for this quarter because I'm swamped enough. With my 18 units this quarter and 16 last quarter, I'm pretty much going to have to watch how I balance out my units next year. If I'm not careful, I won't have enough units to be considered a grad student one quarter! It's kind of a bummer all the classes I want to take are in the Spring Quarter. : I skipped the policy class and GIS this quarter. I may just skip GIS and do environmental modeling in the Fall, though. I haven't quite decided yet and I need to make that decision very soon. Or...maybe I'll just do both...Hmm...

Anyway, back to COMPASS. If I can work/volunteer with COMPASS over the school year, that'll add more experience underneath my belt with an organization that wants to achieve what I want to do. I think it'll prep me for almost anything down the road. Who knows...Maybe I'll be the next COMPASS CA coordinator! That'd be...funny...Anyway, we'll see. Internship is the first priority.

It's a little disheartening when you try and try and try and you just can't get anywhere! It's not like I'm asking for money from these places! I just want the experience, which hopefully will translate to money in the future. Oh well. I'm a little worried, but I figured God knows what's going on. With my luck, all my inquiries will come back at once and I'll have so many options I'll want to do them all. Or, that's my hope. :P

Time to head to my GP meeting.

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