Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Dentist, joy

Well...Good news is my teeth were in good shape when I went in. Pretty good since I haven't been to the dentist in 1.5 years.

Bad news is I've chipped a back tooth from my teeth grinding and there's evidence of wear on my teeth in general from the grinding. The doc couldn't do my exam today so I'm going back in on Friday hoping he can do the teeth impression right then and there (assuming 1) he doesn't want to fill a dark spot I've had for years and 2) he doesn't want to fix the chipped part of my tooth). Not sure how much the mouth guard will cost, but it's pretty evident I need it at this point. My teeth grinding has gotten worse since I've been here (by evidence of my jaw/ear pain).

The other unfortunate part of this is it takes 2-3 weeks for the mouth guard to be created and I'm trying to leave by Sunday the 6th. That's basically two weeks from this Friday. So...I'm hoping it comes in sooner, but if it doesn't...I may have to make a trip back to Santa Barbara to pick it up. I doubt they'd just mail it to me since they usually want to check the fit of it and stuff. I could wait till the fall, but that's 4 months and if I've already chipped a tooth and experience a lot of pain, why prolong it?

Other than that, the dentist trip was fine. It's a REALLY small facility and all the doctors here have their own practices apparently, but it served its purpose. The cleaning only cost me $15 too. I guess the fee for teeth cleaning was lowered this year or something.

Anyway, with that...back to the salt mill that is school. 2.5 weeks left!! And hopefully I'll officially be offered an internship tomorrow. :P

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