I learned today in my environmental policy/law class why California captures the emissions that leak from gas nossels. I always thought it's because California likes to be more strict with their regulations (let's face it, California carries that reputation) and because the smell of gas is just nauseating, but, in fact, it's because the U.S. Clean Air Act requires it! Since California, in particular L.A., is not in compliance with its air quality (called nonattainment), they have to follow this pyramid of requirements to help them reach attainment. L.A is considered moderately nonattainment for ozone; therefore, they have to capture gas vapors as part of the requirement to reach attainment.
Who'd of thunk...gas nossels to capture gas vapors so California can comply with the Clean Air Act. I guess California isn't progressive in everything. :) Though, I do appreciate the missing gas smell at gas stations in California over other states!
I also found out through our reading that one of the potential ways to reduce traffic into Yosemite Valley that was looked at was a light rail system. It would still suck if you were camping to lug everything you had onto a train, but how cool would that have been?! You can't get a light rail system installed for cities, but let's add one for Yosemite National Park. I think it'd have been fun to enter the park via light rail.
Today is my 8th day in a row I will have had class. I'm more exhausted then I thought someone could be. It's brutal not having a day off to unwind a little from lectures. Not to mention our class on Wednesday goes from 5pm-8:30pm. *sigh* Friday, is it Friday yet?! Friday will be our last law class and my 12th day of lectures in a row. I am 100% vegging on Friday so I can recharge to write my portion of our proposal draft for our internal deadline of Sunday night (it's due next Tues).
Back to the hw.
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